I got eyes that are able to see the number of times various acts are done (I got eyes) - Chapter 1 - Episode 1

Chapter 1

Episode 1 The Day God Trespassed

TLed by: TanoshiKara

My name is Rei Asube.

Although it is not as prosperous as Tokyo, I lived in a place called Konto town until I was twelve and moved out thereafter.

However, I have returned after becoming a high schooler.

Honestly, the city was not that comfortable to live in.

As such, I decided to live, on my own, in my cozy hometown.

I asked a big favor from my parents and entered a school here. I swore that I will not ask for anything unreasonable from now on and that I will mature, as a person, as well.

My hometown is good unlike where I moved to.

I was at ease as many of my childhood friends go to the High school that I go to as well.

Today, like every other day, I go to school like usual and return home as always.

Well, time to relax in my room, I thought as I opened the door.

"Heyaaaa, welcome homeee" The trespasser greets me as they lie sprawled on the floor.

I am certain I locked the door and there were no signs of picking. That said, as I had thought that there were probably no suspicious people who would trespass, I was taken aback for a moment, but I immediately took out my phone thereafter.

"Wait, wait! Do not suddenly take out your phone!" The trespasser, who looks like an unrivaled beauty, says and suddenly, the phone on my right hand disappears.


"Geez, don't surprise me like thattt"

I am the one who is surprised though?

That said, the phone did not disappear. It seems like, in a flash, it has moved to her hand.

No, that is wrong. There is no way that such a supernatural ability exists in real life.

That phone is hers in the first place and, around my foot, mine should be......it is not there.

"Okay okay. Come right in for now"

That way of she said it is just like this is her own room.


I did think to shout or go to a resident of the apartment but I stopped myself.

I slowly shut the door at the entrance and enter the room.

"Oh? You sure are obedient"

"That is because I do not know why but I feel that you are not normal"

It is as if a character that appears in a fighting game said those words but I did really have that feeling.

I have never experienced such a feeling in my life up until now.

I am speaking calmly right now but it feels like my heart is ready to jump out of my chest.

"Hehe. Well, it might just be true that I am not normal"

The air suddenly became oppressive.

What is this pressure......!? Ah, another line that could come out from a fighting game.

"That's because I'm God!!"

"You lie"

"That is noooooot a lie!!"

Somehow, the woman in front of me just seems like a troublesome person all of a sudden.

No, really. I already do not feel that something that felt like pressure.

"So? What is the so-called God doing in my room?"

That woman shows a slight smile as she fiddles with her pink hair.

"I came to grant you, the protagonist, an ability I say"

"Please go home"

What is that? Protagonist she says? Is that the setting?

"Ahhh, you doonnn'ttt believe me?"

"It is not like I totally do not believe you but it is true that this is dubious"

"Well, I guess that is reasonable. As you have lived your life normally, even if I say I am some God or I came to give you some ability"

Are the mental state of characters that appear in works such as Anime and Manga in this sort of state?

Should I be happy that I was at least able to gain such an invaluable experience?

"But. This is for real! I am God, and you are the protagonist! And I am able to grant you an ability!!"

"......If, even if all of this is real, why me? Also, what ability are you trying to grant me?"

"Oh? You bit"

Normally, I would either forcefully have her leave or report her to the police but that mysterious phenomenon earlier and that weird pressure.

Up until now, weird things have been happening.

Regardless of whether it is impossible or not, I am starting to think that the identity of this woman is actually real.

"Enough beating around the bush, please tell me"

"Kay kaayyy. Well then, I shall explain alright? Firstly, about me being God, I would like to prove this by granting you an ability"

"No, wait. That ability you speak of, what is it?" I quickly stopped her as she closed in while showing an extremely eerie smile.

"Simply put, it is like an Eye of Appraisal"

"Eye of Appraisal?"

Is it the very same?

A staple ability in the Otherworld genre where one is able to find out the name and status of a person just by looking.

"Yes yes. This is an amazing eye you see. Guess what!"

Guess what?

"Just by looking: the other person's name, age, the kinds of acts they have done! Even the number of times, you will knowww!!!"

So loud.

Or more like what kind of ability is that?

"Can you explain it in more detail?

"Let's see......For example"

She puts her own index finger on her lip as she ponders. Oh! She exclaimed as if she thought of something.

"For example, let's say you have a girlfriend who avoids you suddenly, but up until yesterday, you commute to and from school, study, and have meals together!"

Wow, it seems like she is going to give quite the detailed explanation.

And also, it seems like the nasty kind.

"What's more, even when you ask her for the reason, she puts on a fake smile and beats around the bush, only giving excuses such as she has things to learn. At a time like this, it will solve various problems if you have this ability! On the previous day, even though the number of kisses is few in number, the number of times for obscene acts has increased. However, it isn't me. Then who is it? What lies under that smile of hers?"

"Ah, yes. I understand. I really understand"

"Huh? Really? There is a continuation though"

That is quite enough. Although I am the one listening to this, it is really nasty.

This so-called God is telling a pretty wild story in a cheerful tone.

"In other words, if I have that ability, I would be able to tell that she has done it yesterday right?"

"Yeap yeap!"



I let out a sigh and continued to speak.

"What will you have me do by granting me this ability?"

It is indeed an amazing and convenient ability.

But it is also quite the hell you know.

This is just an example but what if up until I got that ability, a friend of mine, as usual, goes I wonder if we will stay as virgins forever, but when I use my ability on him the next day, he has already graduated from being a virgin, or so I learn. I will not know what to do right?

Also, what am I supposed to do if I find out that my childhood friend, who cannot stand erotic topics, has already lost her virginity?

And from there, if I go down the line of thought that my friend and childhood friend have been doing immoral acts......

"Of course, this is a test"

"A test?"

"Actually, the Chief God recently said somethin like 'Ain't the Humans these days sort of sly?'"

"Hey wait"


I stopped the conversation as I heard a phrase that I could not ignore.

"Chief God? There are other Gods other than you?"

"Why of course. By the way, I am the God of Love"

It is indeed true that there are many different Gods in legends.

"Can I continue?"


This looks like something that is going to be way more troublesome than I thought.


Feel free to comment/pm me if you find any mistakes. Wishing everyone a happy Labour Day! Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed yourself!


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