Tanin wo Yosetsukenai Buaisouna Joshi ni Sekkyou shitara, Mechakucha Natsukareta SS5


SS5 The Beauties of the Class

TLed by: TanoshiKara

If someone were to ask who is the person who stands out the most in my class, the answer would, without a doubt, be Enami-san. Any person who looks at her appearance for the first time would be surprised and they would stop thinking. I think that there are feelings that well up within them after that, such as admiration, love, and jealousy. But in any case, there is no doubt that the result is the stirring of the feelings of another.

As such, when talking about the girls from my class, Enami-san's name would be the very first to be mentioned and the topic rarely develops any further from there. However, in all fairness, there are many individuals who probably stand out more.

In terms of girls, Saki and Nishikawa, without a doubt, fall into this category.

The phrase 'even cuter than Enami-san' fit Saki to a tee. Rather than a mature charm, she, much like girls her age, is both friendly and cute. She is not flashy but smiles frequently, is sociable, and just talking to her normally heals one's heart. That is why it is only natural that she has many friends of both genders.

On the other hand, Nishikawa has an entirely different charm as compared to Saki.

Nishikawa's appearance is flashy. Her hair color, that is not black but vibrant. Her face has so much cosmetics applied that the phrase 'thick layer' is fitting. Her voice is loud as well and she is also very expressive. I have no doubts that, if there were an embodiment of the word 'Gyaru'1, it would be someone like Nishikawa.

As Enami-san is the very epitome of impregnable, there is no shortage of males with feelings for Nishikawa and Saki. Even without speaking to them directly, there are times when I suddenly notice those feelings of theirs. Even someone like me has realized so the girls themselves would most likely have been able to notice such feelings in a more definitive manner.

* * *

"Ahh, must be niceee"

Lunch break. When I was feeling sleepy after finishing my meal, I hear such a voice coming from someone standing somewhere diagonally behind me. I think it was a person in the baseball club called Kanemura. A person who is very like the Barracuda fish; I have seen the other baseball club members call him using such a nickname.

The person that those eyes of that Barracuda are following is Saki.

Saki is talking with a girl from the badminton club.

The usual smile. Saki does not laugh with her mouth wide open. Even now, her eyes are narrowed and, with a cheerful voice, she laughs as she sits on her chair, back facing forward.

Barracuda, as if realizing that he unknowingly let his voice out, covers his mouth in a panic and looks around. As I pretended not to notice, he lets out a sigh of relief after a while.

In all honesty, I do understand Barracuda's feelings quite well.

Girls who are superior in looks do, in general, have quite the understanding of their own worth. Whether they will be arrogant or not varies from person to person but they are known to exude a strong aura of self-confidence and, from the eyes of people who do not have that much self-confidence, this is one that has them losing their nerves.

However, there is no such thing with Saki.

This is perhaps attributed to her sheltered upbringing. She gets embarrassed with the slightest of things and she is as affable as she is humble. As her existence is akin to a natural monument, gazing at her from afar and having the words 'must be nice' leak out of one's mouth is probably understandable.

--That is why there was even such an incident......

I recalled something unpleasant. I was the one who came to the rescue at that time but I have no doubts that, if it were any other male, they would also lend a hand. To do such a thing to Saki, who does not have any traits that would draw hatred, is an act that is truly unforgivable.

Perhaps it was because I had such a thought. Several seconds passed as I was stock-still, staring right at Saki. During that time, my eyes met with Saki's, who seemed to have noticed my gaze.


That was a huge surprise. It seems like it was the same on her end as well.

I panicked as I quickly averted my eyes. I lift my head after a while to find Saki's face, slightly flushed as she gives me a slight wink. She then returns to conversing with the girl behind her.

--I am spacing out too much.

I have times when I lose sight of my surroundings when I am absorbed in my thoughts. I must be careful.

The slowly increasing sleepiness I was feeling earlier had disappeared at some point. Switching from my initial plan of taking a nap, I take out a reference book from my bag. As I do so, I hear a different voice, this time, it was coming from the back of the classroom.

"Eh, for real!? I didn't know"

The owner of that voice is Nishikawa. It is very likely that she went to hang out in another classroom as she was entering the classroom with a girl, that is not on the same level of flashiness as her, after opening the door.

"It is true that there was a suspicioussss air. But nicely doneMiya-chan"


It seems like they were gossiping about love. As Nishikawa always has a loud voice, most of the contents of their conversation reach my ears as well. That is why I have a needlessly clear understanding of the chain of events. This person known as Miya-chan is probably the male student from the class next door called Miyashita.

"But Miya-chan, were you not wooing Nono-chan last time?"

"Ah that. That guy has quite the bad side"

"Sakkii probably doeessn'ttt know. Well, it's nothing to do with us anyway"

"So cold changin' opinions like that. ......That said, time ta changeee. Lend me ya cell"

"Here ya gooo"

Surprisingly, Nishikawa does not use any words that are bound to be picked up by JKs2 but that friend of hers uses them to no end. If it were me, I would have, at this point, have said, "c-cell......?", as I express my uncertainty but she gracefully hands over her portable charger.

The female student who receives it goes, "Thanks lotsss", and starts tapping away at her phone.

......As expected, Nishikawa and the girl sure stand out.

Right as of this moment, Enami-san seems to have gone somewhere as her seat is empty. As hard as I try, there is at least once that my vision gets drawn naturally to Nishikawa and the girl. Fujisaki, too, who was supposed to be talking to her friend, the Barracuda, who was sighing at Fujisaki, too, showed signs of them paying some attention to Nishikawa and her friend. 

"This girl also has her own merits thoughhh......"

I was shocked as Barracuda mutters while in a daze once again. Even though he was captivated by Fujisaki just a moment ago...What a lecherous guy......

That said, it is not like I do not understand his feelings regarding this as well.

Gyarus have their own good points as well. To elaborate further, they have a unique attractiveness. Their skirts are shorter than that of the other girls and this produces something akin to a seductive air. This is especially true when it comes to Nishikawa. There is a mature feel accompanying her flashiness and I think that is another one of the secrets to her popularity.

Barracuda is, as expected, covering his mouth while looking around timidly but I get the feeling that, seeing how frequent his mutterings are, other people might have overheard it......

I lowered my gaze to turn my attention back to the reference book.

Honestly speaking, entrance exams are just on the horizon. I do think there are people with the opinion that it is too soon to be preparing for this as a second year but I would like to focus on subjects that require memorization such as Social Studies and Sciences for my third year. English and Mathematics are subjects that can be aced through daily revision so I think that I might not be able to get into Toubashi if I do not master them quickly.

I drink the green tea I bought during lunch break. While sharpening my pencil, I run my eyes over the words of the reference book.

I am the only person who would study at a time like this. No, it might be possible that there might be people who are facing their desks as they forgot to do their homework. However, I am probably the only one who would study voluntarily. If Saitou or Shindou were here, they would definitely come over to bother me.

Just after I solved several questions, I reach my hand out to the green tea once again. However, as I was drinking it while eating my lunch box, it was soon empty.

......It is troublesome to go and buy something.

As it was not on a level that I could not endure, I decided to bear with the thirst. Placing the green tea by the window, I look through the next question when, this time, I hear the sound of the front door opening.

This time, it is Enami-san.

Every action that Enami-san takes, no matter how little, attracts the attention of others. For some reason, there was a mere moment when I had the hallucination that the atmosphere had become chilly.

Without hesitation, Enami-san walks briskly past the front of the classroom. And, for some reason, she heads not for her own seat, stopping in front of my seat. Having no other choice, I stopped writing.



Before even answering my question, she did something that caused more questions to surface. I do not know the reason but she held out a five-hundred-millilitre plastic bottle with water.

"......Hm, hmmmmm?"

"My treat"

"Huh? Why? Huh?"

"Well, this is part of my way of showing gratitude"

So this is regarding the cleaning of the Enami house. Well, this reward is cheap when compared to the work I put in but this too is probably Enami's sincerity. I decided to take it without thinking too much.

"Thank you"


She is laughing as if something was funny. Just like this, she walks past me and returned to her own seat. Naturally, as she became the center of attention, she became embarrassed.

It sure smells nice, I thought.

I begin writing once again. Regardless, I am thankful that I am stocked up on drinks. I do not know whether Enami-san understands my habits but she sure is considerate.

I study just like this for a while. As Saitou and Shindou were away from their seats for an unusually long time, I was able to concentrate.

Roughly five minutes after that--


The sound of someone's voice.

As I stop writing I noticed that the voice was from Fujisaki. Putting both of her hands over each other on her chest, she was standing in front of my seat. For some reason, she was bending forward in a way that she might just fall over at any second. This causes me to bend slightly backward.

I tilt my head.

"What's wrong?"

"Erm, ermmm......"

Oddly, she is stuttering. After taking a glance at the bottle of mineral water on the table, she says, with bloodshot eyes.

"How about the three of us......a-again?"

At first, I did not know what she was referring to. However, I understood after thinking about it for several seconds.

"......Eerrmm, are you perhaps referring to the Karaoke? I did not go last time......"

"Yes......You can treat this like a revenge match......What do you think?"

There is no reason for me to refuse. I nodded my head all while being under the pressure of Fujisaki's tenacity.

"I will tell Sayaka"

Fujisaki's face emits a blinding aura as it brightens.

"What a relief......! I will contact you again then......!"


She walks briskly back to her seat. The female student she was talking to earlier gave her a small guts pose.

--It is about time I made it clear though......

I scratch my cheek with my index finger.

As expected, this kind of happening puts me in a weird mood.

Unlike Nishikawa and her friend, her voice is not all that loud so the surrounding people should not have been able to hear it. Saitou and Shindou, who sit behind me, are not here as well and the seat beside me is also empty.


As I heard an unsettling voice, my body shot up while shivering slightly. Over in the direction of the voice is the Barracuda himself. While biting on his nails, he gave me a death stare. I pretend not to notice as I turn to face forward once again but I can still tell that there is a deathly aura emitting from behind.

As expected, I just might be blessed. It is probable that I might be making enemies without even noticing.

While thinking that I should be careful from now on, I grip my pen tightly with my sweaty hands.

1 - A Japanese Fashion Sub-culture. Read more here.

2 - A short form meaning Joshi Kousei in Japanese which means Female Highschool Student in English.


Good day everyone, thank you for waiting! I will start uploading again. I hope you will enjoy them! Feel free to comment/pm me if you find any mistakes. Thank you very much for reading, I hope you enjoyed yourself!


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