I got eyes that are able to see the number of times various acts are done (I got eyes) - Chapter 1 - Episode 6

Chapter 1

Episode 6 The Gal Lowerclassman sets her sights

TLed by: TanoshiKara

"This is the new product. What do you think?"

"Hmm. To put it bluntly, the taste is above average. But the enjoyment factor is good I guess?"

I am currently taste testing the new test products at the aforementioned Degure household's Café.

The atmosphere of this Café has not changed.

It is modestly sized. It has some counter seats and table seats. It is small compared to those in the cities but that is what makes it good.

If it is too spacious, it will become a Family Restaurant.

A Café is good when it is not too cramped yet not too spacious.

And, more than anything, all of the staff are good-natured while the Poster Girl is cute, which makes it interesting.

Well, regarding the new cuisine supervised by Miya, the very Poster Girl herself.

In the end, it is of three colou\rs.

Each of them is a small Omelette Rice and the filling in each of them tastes different. Additionally, the filling changes with the whims of the staff.

The one I ate was the usual Ketchup Rice, Curry Rice, and lightly seasoned rice with some Tuna mixed in.

The meals from a Café are simple and easy to eat.

Regarding this point, this new product is, depending on the person, something that can be eaten in one or two bites and, packs the element of excitement where the flavor is unknown until the person has taken a bite.

Amusing the customer while making them 

That is the Degure Household's Café.

This cuisine matches this ideal.

By the way, the taste is currently still in the trial and error phase.

"Thanks a bunch! It has the feel of 'Maann, honestly, making them this small is pretty troublesome but if the customers will be entertained then it's fine!' thoughh"

"Also, to think that you can get the staff to draw with either Ketchup or Mayonnaise. Are you aiming to be a Maid Café or something?"

"Welcome back, Master!" Miya goes as she uses both of her hands to turn her long hair into twin tails.

"Juusstt kidding. We mean to put in our best effort to provide entertainment for our customers in a different way from Maid Cafés"

"That is good"

"But, Rei. Do you not want to see me in a Maid costume?" How about it? Miya goes as she makes an alluring face.

Miya's Maid appearance huh......It might just be a good idea. She is eccentric but she falls in the Beauty category.

The customers that visit this store, with Miya in mind, are not few in number.


"What's wrong?"

When I gazed at her, she had already come almost close enough for both of our noses to touch.

This person really has no hesitation whatsoever.

......It has not increased since then, huh.

"It's nothing" I go as I stand up.

"Ah, sec sec sec. What's the answer for earlier?"

"Isn't it fine? But, I think that it'd be weird for a helper to wear it. The current apron outfit is more than enough"

"Roggeerrr. I shall personally wear the Maid outfit sometime and show it to you then"

"Yea yea"

While exchanging such a promise, I left the Café.

Now then, today is a rest day.

What should I do now?

Human Observation? No, normal Human Observation would be fine but Human Observation with me having this ability is foolish.

Or rather, to end up with the idea of Human Observation......as expected my mind must be scarred.

I want to head home like usual and take it easy but SHE's there thoughhh.

"You called?"

"I did not"

It would be fine if I was alone but because of Cuare, I do not feel like I will be able to relax. If so, relaxing at Degure Household's Café would be best but that would be difficult as well.

As expected, since it is a rest day, there is more customer traffic than usual.

Additionally, they are there for Miya.

If I am there under such circumstances, I will get targeted.

Before I moved out, this happened countless times. Miya pays no mind even with others around, she initiates conversations and messes with me regardless.

In the end, as she is not concentrating on her duties, it ends up with me either leaving or helping out at the Café.


As I was pondering about what to do while walking, I discovered a certain gathering of girls.

Giving off a cordial atmosphere, they seem to be having an enjoyable time eating crepes while chatting.

"Crêpe, huh"

Let's have one as dessert after a meal. If I recall correctly, there is a Crêpe store nearby.

I do not dislike sweets.

On the contrary, I like them.

How do I put it, I feel like I get a sense of fulfillment while I am eating something sweet.

This is why its effects are perfect under these circumstances.

As a mental stabilizer, I should order a slightly luxurious Crêpe.



After everything, I ordered a thick Crêpe filled to the brim with fruits.

Earlier, I ate three bite-sized Omelettes at the Café. I do feel that my stomach is slightly full but that is not enough. As I am living on my own, I will not be able to splurge but spending like this once in a while is fine right?

"Whaaaa!! It's sold oouuttt!?"

"Y-yes. With the order from the customer earlier"

What? Don't tell me someone ordered the same thing as me. Intrigued, I turned back.


I met eyes with the person.

They are a Gal.

Though flashy, she is a cute type of Gal.

Her hair is a mix of two colors resembling red and blue, she also has well-balanced twin-tails.

It might be because she is heading home from club activities, or perhaps she is intentionally heading to school on a rest day, though it is not the full school uniform,  she is wearing a jacket over the top of a sailor uniform.

That is not all.

For some reason......she is wearing an eyepatch over her right eye. Not the ones that are used for eye injuries but the ones that are used by kids who have Eighth-Grader Syndrome.


The backpack she is carrying is packed full so much so that there is a bump at the top. I am quite interested in what is inside but now is not the time for that.

She is gazing at me, menacingly.

Me? No, she is looking at the Crêpe in my hand.

So, her name is......Aone Akaba. Her age is fourteen.



Such pressure from being speechless.

I can tell how much she wants to eat it. The Crêpe store employee can only smile bitterly.

"See yo-"

"Wait a miinnnnuttte!!"

I tried to leave, but, with her agile movements, she encircled me

"Do you really want to eat it that much?"

"Isn't the very last portion extremely delicious!"

"But I took a bite already you know?"

"Then I will take the half that has not been eaten"

Just how much does this girl want to eat this Crêpe?

"Wheeewww, I'm sorry. Getting half of it"

"It's fine. Rather than that, I'm surprised that you have a knife with you"

"It's cause you'll never know what'll happen in this world. There is no harm in being prepared. As they say, if you are prepared, happiness will come before you"

In the end, I gave in and had the Crêpe split in half. I thought about doing it by hand at first but she took out a plastic knife from her backpack.

Since it was packed full, I thought it was packed full of something but to think that such a thing would be inside.

"Ah, I haven't introduced myself. I'm Akaba Aone, a fourteen-year-old Middleschooler, yeap" She goes with some cream sticking on her mouth.

I know. If I said something like that, it felt like she would look at me weird.

"I am Rei. A Fifteen-year-old High schooler ya"

"Rei-senpai! Thank you very much for sharing this crêpe with me on this very occasion!"

"That's quite alright. Or rather, I am not your Upperclassman anyway. Just call me Rei"

"No, no. Even if we are from different schools, you are older than me. Please let me call you with the Senpai honorific!! Or Paisen1!!"

It seems like this person has quite the odd fixation.

Senpai, huh.

It does not sound half bad but I just cannot get used to it.

"Do as you please"

"Okay! I will do as I please! By the way, Rei-senpai!"

"What is it?"

I did somewhat expect it but she is close, very close.

This is not a distance that should be taken with someone that one has met five minutes ago.

This is why I am not good with girls classified under the Gal category......This is just my selfish imagination but Gals seem to get especially close for some reason.

"Do you believe in fate?"


What in the world is this person talking about all of a sudden?

1 - A flip on the syllables of Senpai. Used to refer to an upperclassman in a very casual way in this context.


Feel free to comment/pm me if you find any mistakes. Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed yourself!


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