Killed Again, Mr. Detective Volume 1 Case 1 Chapter 1 Teaser

Volume 1

Case 1: Queen Irie Class Murder Incident

Chapter 1 Please deduce seriously every now and then (Teaser)

TLed by: TanoshiKara

Detectives are like waves. Detectives (Waves) swipe in at the last moment and destroy the sand castle that the Children (Culprits) work hard to build.

Waves are neither good nor evil, they are also neither merciful nor merciless. They merely return the sandy beach to its original state. Indeed, there are no good or evil waves.

If one is competent, one becomes a Master Detective, if one is incompetent, one becomes an Inept Detective1. This is a given but in this world, there are only that many existences who can be called Master Detectives.

However, there is a man who, even among them, stands out, is talented, and is a true prodigy.2 That man has the nickname 'Undying Detective' and is feared, avoided, and resented by every Child (Culprit). He dies to no culprit nor is he killable by any serial killer.

No matter the case, he does not hesitate, does not fear, does not shudder, whether it be difficult, unsolvable, or impossible. He solves, he crushes, he puts an end to it—. Whether it be a Closed-room Murder, a Terrorist Bombing, or a Financial Crisis, as long as there exists one who can be called a culprit, the man will, under the name of a detective, deduce their identity.

Occurring in broad daylight, inside the office building of the National Police Agency, the ‘Sixty-six Police Officers Murder’.

Making the European Union (EU) lose a third of its budget, the ‘European Union Euro Plundering Case’.

Making a single country a No-Man's land, the ‘Vanrehete Royal Kingdom Total Disappearance Case’.

The most gorgeous crime carried out by a woman called the Empress, the ‘Great Love of Seven Continents Incident’.

'Ascend to Heaven by eating an Angel—', caused by the belief of a certain cult, the ‘Cannibalism Sect's Banquet Case’.

These cases were solved by the 'Undying Detective', the culprits caught by those hands, uncountable, his contribution, immeasurable.

If detectives are waves, this man would probably be the Great Tsunami that will swallow the entire beach whole.

This man is traveling around the world, even today, solving cases.

And, along these lines, I am that very History's Greatest Detective, Tatsuya Outsuki—nope, I am his very son.

Additionally, I am currently in my own room writing my final letter.

"To my not-so-beloved father, by the time you are reading this letter, I will already not be in this world......"

Why? Merely a daily routine.

If I were to find a more specific reason—my shoelaces snapped all of a sudden today. That is why I would like to leave things that should be left behind so I am able to die at any moment.

My pen moved quite smoothly across the paper.

I think that I have written a will that is calm, impartial, and makes the reader shed a reasonable amount of tears.

"Volume 243......there. Phew"

Feeling satisfied after numbering my will, I head for the office on the floor beside this one but—.


Perhaps everyone was away, but the office was silent. As I cooped up in my room immediately after I returned from high school, I did not see the situation over at this office.

The glass window facing the walkway has the words, 'Outsuki Detective Agency', written in mirrored. This is the Detective Office that my father is the President of. It is technically linked to the house so I can freely travel between both places.

The sunlight entering from the window makes me subconsciously squint my eyes. And there stands a young girl.

The glaring sunlight stretches the beautiful silhouette of the girl standing by the window. The sunlight shining on her platinum-colored hair makes it sparkle like that of a crystal.

She is dressed in tight western clothes similar to a black dress. That outfit looks somewhat similar to a maid's but also resembles a dress worn for mourning.

While closing in on her, I waved lightly to the young girl, who had her back turned.


However, I soon found myself in a certain situation that made me freeze up subconsciously.

The young girl held onto the jacket of my uniform. It is the very jacket that I, being lazy in the moment, took off and chucked away randomly in the living room when I got home earlier.

The smell of that jacket—the young girl was smelling it. Putting my jacket close to her chest, she sinks the tip of her nose into it. She does this with neither the knowledge nor the realization that I, the owner am watching her.

"Welcome home, Sakuya-sama"

Ah, I was wrong. Our eyes met. She is staring at me. She totally realized.

She realizes and is smelling the jacket all the same. Boldly, while she is looking over at me. She is smelling it while staring at me with those eyes that are as clear as glass beads.

No, what in the world is she doing? Is she crazy? Is this a situation where a man can truly be all excited about? I struggle to come to a decision.

Anyway, I should first be amicable. Much like a wild animal, she should not be provoked carelessly.

"Erm......I am home Lilithea" When I replied, the young girl Lilithea finally distanced her face from my jacket.

After that, she unwrinkles it as if nothing has happened and hangs it with a hanger.

So she does hang it up for me properly.

"Everyone has already headed for their respective assignments for today"

"No, before that......"

She sure is able to calmly have a conversation about daily life. With a face that suggests that she has done nothing wrong no less.

That said, her going so far as to cover it up makes me lose the motivation to thoughtlessly bring it up and criticize her.

Lilithea is a girl that the Mochizuki Detective Agency relies on. Even though she is not a maid at all, she shows no flaws from the cleaning to the management of the agency, and even up until her waiting service.

"Let's hear your defense for secretly savoring the remaining fragrance of my jacket"

"I did not do such a thing"

"You did! You met eyes with me for about twenty seconds. Eh? Ah, or is it that I have not realized, but my smell has the effect of making members of the opposite gender irresistible to......"

"There is no such convenient effect"

"As I expected. Yeap. I knew. I would probably have been leading a more flowery school life by now if I had such an ability"

Rather than self-deprecation, this is the objective truth. Even so, Lilitina looks at me with reproachful eyes.

"Then is Sakuya-sama saying that his school life is the color of gray? Is that truly the case?"


"Since you show signs that you got close to a charming school nurse, in her late twenties, at your school today, so would that not, as a man, mean that you lead a blessed school life?" Lilithea said some pretty disturbing words in her usual cool, or rather, slightly calm tone.

"Wh-what are you on about?"

"Allow me to say it clearly. Sakuya-sama, your jacket had the smell of disinfectant, medicine......and a slight scent of perfume"

"From my jacket......?"

"The smell of that medicine was one unique to an infirmary. Additionally, there is no mistaking that the perfume was a new perfume from Alice Vivi's Autumn Perfume"

Alice Vivi. I had also heard of it before. It is a perfume sold by a popular make-up maker. I have also seen their commercials quite often.

"That is a popular product among women in their twenties and this perfume has such a high hurdle that, as a woman, they must have quite the self-confidence or they will not use it. Also, it is set at a price that is pretty difficult for a female high schooler to buy"

While presenting her deduction, Lilithea, much like a doll, did not change her facial expression. She is cold, heartless, and has every intention of cornering me logically.

"Surmising from all this, it inevitably leads to the following. Sakuya-sama skipped classes today and did all kinds of touchy-feely stuff repeatedly with a school nurse, reeking of charm, in the infirmary......"

"This is a misunderstanding!"

What does she mean by touchy-feely stuff? Which dictionary has this term?

Although she is spouting all those weird words, she still has her dead serious face on. However, that is just who Lilithea is. Just like a noble cat, her facial expression rarely changes. There are times when it changes easily with points that make me think "Why?" but it usually does not.

"That said, Lilithea, does this mean that in order to investigate my tendencies in school, the smell......?"

So it is not like she has hidden feelings for me or my jacket emitting a convenient pheromone.

"Anyway, it is really just a misunderstanding. I did indeed go to the infirmary today. I shall admit that. I grazed my knee during gym class. Of course, I was alright either way but, in front of my classmates, I had no choice but to get it treated. But when I showed the school nurse my injury......See, you know how the rest went right? And so, the nurse was astonished and she physically examined my entire body rather excessively. I would say that she was interested in my body as a school nurse. Therefore that is......yes, purely a medical practice. There is nothing immoral about it"

"Due to that final part, only impure impressions remain"

Lilithea looks at me with her characteristic glare of reproach.

"......That said, to think that you were able to guess this much from just the smell. Impressive imagination and insight as always"

However, that is the girl known as Lilithea.

"I sure cannot hide anything from Lilithea"

1 - This here (迷探偵 read me-i-ta-n-te-i) is a pun on the Kanji for master detective (名探偵 read me-i-ta-n-te-i). Both 名 and 迷 are read mei but the former means famous in this context and the latter means to cause trouble to others.

2 - Three Kanjis with the same reading 異才, 異彩, and 偉才 (all read i-sa-i). Both 異才 and 偉才 have the same meaning, being talented, a prodigy, a genius, etc. while 異彩 means a talent that stands out in this context


Note that the copyright of the image in the chapter belongs to its respective owners and was uploaded to ensure that readers experience the translation as they would if they were reading the chapter in the book itself.


So ends the teaser, feel free to comment/pm me if you find any mistakes. Thank you very much for reading, I hope that you were able to enjoy yourself and do look forward to the first half of chapter 1 at the end of next month!


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