I got eyes that are able to see the number of times various acts are done (I got eyes) - Chapter 1 - Episode 9

Chapter 1

Episode 9 Let's just tell it, the Truth

TLed by: TanoshiKara


"Hey Senpai. You wanna order something?"

"No, I am good on the ordering. Rather than that"

"Yeah, I know. I have gathered the information aasss I should"

School ends and I see the usual Kenta, who heads home before me, off. After that, Miya told me that she had business to attend to and I ran to the location where we were supposed to gather at. A family restaurant by the name of Est. Aone was already there when I arrived and it seemed like she waited without ordering anything.

"I am alright with you ordering something you know?"

"No, no. Something like ordering before Senpai is an act unbecoming of a Kouhai"

"You sure are l-level-headed"

"Ehehe. Well then......let's jump right into it, I shall share the info"

Aone places her smartphone at the center and shows me a certain photo. Shown on it is the girl that was walking together with Kenta.

After that, with a memo pad, with decorations that are hard to judge if they are cute or cool, in hand, she starts talking about the information she gathered.

"Her name is Saki Mihata. 14 years-old. Her three sizes are"

"You can leave that out"

"Is that so? I did go out of my way to get her permission and she told me"

To think that she would also investigate the girl's three sizes. It feels like I am wasting her efforts but the matter I want to ask about right now is not that.

"Then I shall exclude parts that are not needed do not look like and talk about it"


"Her personality itself passes as bright and friendly but, she is, in fact, an aggressive girl, the type that does self-comforting acts in school toilets. Ah, by the way, the school we commute to is a girls’ middle school"

So she is not as her looks suggest. With her in a girl's middle school, I wonder if she gets pent-up.

"And you see, she actually has a boyfriend"

I knew that. And, despite having a boyfriend, the girl was walking together with Kenta as if they were lovers. So she is aggressive in the sexual sense, which means......

"But, because her boyfriend is in a different school, they are only able to meet after school or on weekends"

She goes as she slides on her smartphone screen to a photo that shows what seems to be the girl's boyfriend. I feel bad for Kenta but her real boyfriend is way more handsome. Although he does have a slight ‘Blonde Delinquent’ feel to him, he has a refined face, so much so that it makes him fall intor the ‘Hunk’ category. The clothes he was wearing were ones that even I, who is indifferent to fashion, knew were probably bought from a distinguished store.

"Including me, the people around her do at least know that she has a boyfriend so, to think that she is two-timing"

"...... What is her relationship with her boyfriend like?"

"Good in normal terms. The boyfriend has a little air of a delinquent but he is the type to take good care of his girlfriend. However, it looks like he is keeping some distance from her as Saki-chan's sexual desire is too strong as of late"

Does this mean that in order to relieve that sexual desire she, with Kenta?

"Well then"

Closing the memo pad, Aone has a serious expression on her face.

"From the information gathered so far, the likely sequence of events would be.....Saki-chan, in order to relieve the sexual desire she couldn't hold back, is in a fake relationship with Rei-senpai's friend or so I think"

"......Probably, might just be that"

That said, Kenta's sexual act count is still at one. Even if I were to actually assume that the count was from when he did it with Saki Mihata, that count has not gone up even after a week. Then would that mean that they are genuinely dating? With her no longer getting along as well with her boyfriend, she meets Kenta......No, even if that is the case, the Proof of Lovers was not on Kenta.

No, wait. Kenta was the one without the mark. If that is the case, is Kenta the one who does think of her as a girlfriend?

"Senpai? ......Senpai I say!"

"Huh? Y-yeah. What is it?"

"I also understand that you are worried for your friend. However, please do not worry about it alone. Why do you think I am cooperating?”

"That, is true"

Let's calm down. Calm down and think about how to deal with this together with Aone.

"So what should we do? Wanna beat the truth into your friend to save him?"

Indeed, if we disclose this information, Saki Mihata will have no choice but to back down as she will not want her boyfriend to find out. However, what about Kenta? It might just be that it is not showing because my ability level is at one but if love was actually blossoming in Kenta......



The next day.

I was waiting silently in the classroom for Kenta. Today, he did not come when I was commuting to school. Fearing that something might have happened, I sent a message for him to reply with, "I just left the house", when I arrived at school.

"Maaannn, I was late, I was late"

Kenta arrived three minutes after Homeroom started. His hair was spikier than usual and his uniform was messy.


Curious, I used my ability to look......and it had updated. Up until yesterday, his sexual act count was at one but it is now at three. Additionally, the types of acts have also increased. Kenta......You, sure did it yesterday huh. Furthermore, even to such an abnormal one at that. Do not tell me that he was late because he could not rid himself of the tiredness? Urk! If I had acted earlier, it would never have come to this.


"Oh? Something wrong?"

"We have to talk. Come with me for a bit after Homeroom"

"What is it? Is it something that cannot be said here?"


"......Got it" Whether it is because he sensed that I was different from usual, Kenta nodded silently.

And, with nothing of note happening, Homeroom ended. Kenta and I headed to the back of the school building.

"Hey, hey, talking at the back of the school building......D-don't tell me"

"Say Kenta"

"Stop it I sayyyy, I do not swing that way"

I wonder just what he mistook this for.

"Rest assured. I also do not swing that way......Actually, Kenta. I saw you last Sunday"

Hearing this, Kenta's eyebrows twitched.

"I see. That explains things......"

As if Kenta had grasped everything, his expression changed.

"And so I got curious and did quite a bit of digging up but"

Resolving myself, the words were about to come out of my mouth. It was at that moment.

"Wait" Kenta stops me.

"Let me guess what you are thinking. Is it along the lines of whether I am being used by that girl?"


In the blink of an eye, the air got heavier.

From Kenta's words, I can deduce that he himself knows of the girl and is going out with her despite of this"

"......It is true that I might have been used by her"

All of a sudden, while smiling slightly, he looks up at the sky.


However, he soon proceeds to look at me in the face.

"I was also using her"

"What, does that mean?"


Kenta elaborates. Their meeting was when she called out to him. In the end, it was one of those ‘Virgin Hunting’ sort of things. Her relationship with her boyfriend got slightly sour and, without being able to do sexual acts, she was getting pent-up. That was when Kenta found her.

Confirming that Kenta was a virgin, she invited him with the words, "Want to do it?". Kenta too accepted that invitation as he was always thinking that he would stay a virgin forrr life. After that, they met up time and again and repeated this false dating relationship.

"I ended that relationship last week. Doing it until my heart and soul burnt out"

"Why would you, accept such an invitation....."

"That's cause, there are not many girls out there that will do it with an Otaku1 like me you knowww? There are probably a lot in the 2-D world though"

Honestly, knowing that this world is similar to a two-dimensional one, I am at a loss as to how to reply to him.

"I might indeed have been used. But, even so, I managed to make good memories. Memories that I may never have made in a lifetime"

"You are amazing you know"

"Is that so? Don't they say this often? That people who enjoy life are the winners. And, by going out with her, I made a new discovery"

A new discovery?

"It seems like I......have the traits of an M"

"......Uh huh?"

"You know Saki-chan? She chomps down on my lil' third leg and when she goes, 'Virgin-kun', while looking down on me......I got turned on"

......Damn, how could this happen? While I was not aware, my best friend has turned into a pervert! Or rather, he said he ended the relationship but is it really over? With the awakening to a weird fetish, won't it just result in the unnecessary worsening of.......

"I say yesterday we did this play and that play! I get the feeling that she did it knowingly!!"


"I got most turned on when my son got stepped on"


"Huh? A-ahh my bad"

It was about to turn bad. If that went on, I might have been made to listen to the full details of every play they did.

"Anyway, your relationship with her is over yeah?"

"Yeah. It feels like I have come to the end of a lifetime's worth of happiness"

"......Good work"

"Uh-huh. I do in fact feel tired so! I will probably be limpid throughout class today I say!"

He has an optimistic personality but to think it is to such an extent. Somehow, it feels like it was a waste to be concerned.

"Whhaattt are you all more tired than me for! Or rather, how about you?"

Even though he says he is tired, Kenta energetically locks shoulders with me.

"About what?"

"Do not about what me. It is Miya, Miya. Do you two not do those things?"

Miya, huh. I do not have such a relationship with her. However, from looking at that alone, when I was unaware, let alone my first kiss, I might just have been kissed a ton by Miya.


That said, as long as there is no confirmation, or rather, evidence, this is merely my imagination.

"Well, it is Miya after allll. She has a mysterious character so there is no telling what she is thinking"

"Rather, how long are you gonna lock shoulders"

"Isn't it fine? Let's head back to the classroom like this!"

"Won't that invite misunderstandings"

After that, Kenta, as declared, was fast asleep and got scolded by the teacher or so it went.

......I am exhausted.

1 - A Japanese word that describes people with consuming interests. (Source: Wikipedia)


Feel free to comment/pm me if you find any mistakes. Thank you very much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it!


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