Harem Cheat Life in Present-day Japan ~The Story of the Male Teen who returned to Earth after saving Another World as the Hero and the Heroines who followed along for some reason~ Prologue


TLed by: TanoshiKara

"Is it......over?" A teen, Kikyou Ichinose, murmurs, dumbfounded.

As if to answer him, the skies, which have been ruled over by darkness for decades, slowly change to become clear blue skies. At the same time, the Sun which had shown itself after decades, delivered its gentle sunlight to the land as if to soothe the people of the land, who had been held captive for decades.

—Three years after being summoned to another world as a Hero.

Exciting days that Kikyou would surely have not experienced in Japan. This short yet seemingly long adventure of Kikyou's has finally come to an end after fulfilling his duty to exterminate the Demon God.

"Kikyou!" "Kikyou-sama!" "Maester!" "......Kikyou" "Masterrrrrrr!" or so his comrades, who fought alongside him went as they ran up to his side while he himself stood stock still, the reality yet to sink in.

"Good work everyone"

Whether it is because the tone of his comrades is energetic or because all of his comrades are in his line of sight, finally, the fact that his fight as a Hero sunk in. Kikyou lets out a sigh, with an expression on his face as if a weight has been lifted off his back.

"I return those same exact words to you. Good work, Kikyou. It has finally ended" Right before his eyes, the twin-tail beauty with red hair says as she smiles.

Her name is Saki Minamori. A female teen from the same city, summoned together with him as a Hero, and, is actually his classmate from High school. And, of course, given that she was summoned together with him, is also the female teen who has spent the longest time alongside him in this world.

"......Finally. True, it has been three years since we came to this world after all......"

As these were exciting days, they felt short but three years is enough for a First-year Middle schooler to complete their compulsory education.

Kikyou, who was a First-year High schooler at the time of his summoning, would probably be a University student or a Working adult should he have lived his life normally.

As Kikyou feels deeply moved by this three-year period, Saki, who stood in front of him, narrowed her eyes as if feeling nostalgia for the past.

"That day when I was summoned, I was honestly in despair as I was summoned to a world, I know nothing of, with a guy I despised"

Indeed, it was not like Saki and Kikyou were on friendly terms from the start when they were summoned. On the contrary, it would be appropriate to say that Saki, an existence akin to the Madonna of the school, a huge male-hater, and Kikyou, who was never bullied but did not stand out in class, had a big divide.

"I, too, was honestly in despair," Kikyou says, smiling bitterly.

Saki smiles slightly as she sees this and says, "But......you know. Being summoned to another world together with you, erm......there were a lot of mishaps but......I think it was nice"

"I feel the same. It was good that Saki was the one I was summoned alongside with. Surely......if not for Saki being there, I would have quickly lost heart and I think I would not have been able to exterminate the Demon God. ......That is why, I thank you, Saki" Kikyou says as he smiles.

Saki's face turned noticeably red.

"............H-hmph! I am not at all happy even if you thank me"

Seeing the female figure, he had already gotten used to seeing, acting all contrary to how she actually felt, Kikyou grinned.

At that moment, a comrade who adventured together with him, a young female Fairy, Latiana, flies over.

"Hey, hey Maester! What about Lati!? What about Lati!?"

"Without Lati, I could not have come here as well. Thank you"

"Uh-huh! You see, Lati! Loves Maester lots! That is why, we will be togetherrr, from now on as well!"

"Uh-huh......yes. Together......"

"......? Maester?"

At this moment, a certain line pops up at the back of Kikyou's mind.

"If you exterminate the Demon God, it seems like the Goddess will immediately send you back to your hometown"

This is the line that the King of this kingdom said soon after the summoning.

At that time, wanting to return to Japan as soon as possible, he was positive about being able to return to his hometown. However, after adventuring as a Hero and now having precious comrades, Kikyou awfully reluctant to leave them behind and return to Japan.

It seems like partings come suddenly and unexpectedly.

"Noooooo! I do not wanna be apart from Maester"

The next day after exterminating the Demon God. Kikyou and his comrades are at the main hall, where the magical technique has been deployed by the Goddess, feeling the need to return the Heroes to their original world.

Saki is not there but that is because she heard that the Goddess can only send a person back at any one time so she was one step ahead in returning to their hometown.

Of course, this is a parting with his comrades so the people there are not all smiles.

Gloom hangs over the main hall's air.

Amidst this, the one who was expressing the most obvious of sorrows is the young female Fairy, Latiana. Latiana cries as she clings fervently to Kikyou's arm with her tiny, twenty-centimeter body.

There is probably no helping this. She is only a year old. It is said that the mental development of a Fairy is quick, but, even so, converting it to Human years, she is only about a three-year-old child.

Seeing such a Latiana, Kikyou unconsciously wanted to let out the words, "We will be together forever", the very words that Latiana wanted to hear. However, Kikyou gulps those words down. This is because he was told by the Goddess that it is impossible to live permanently in this world would lead to the destruction of the world's balance.

With the slightest of the pain he felt in his heart showing, Kikyou opens his mouth slightly.

"......I am sorry Lati. With my duties as a Hero fulfilled, I must return no matter what. This is the rule"

"I don't know what rule! Lati will be together with Maester forever!"

Latiana clings to his arm as she shakes her head. Kikyou's clothes were gradually drenched by the large amount of tears from her eyes, unthinkable for a tiny body like hers.

"Master" Right at this moment, a female teen calls out to Kikyou.

The only survivor of the White Wolf race and a comrade of Kikyou's, Shea.

"......What is it, Shea"

"Don't, what is it me. What's this? I didn't hear anything about this"

"I am sorry......"

"Don't I am sorry me! The only place I belong to is beside Master you know! Where am I supposed to go without Master!"

"Shea......Sorry, I am so sorry" Saying this, Kikyou gently hugs Shea, who jumps into his arms, with his left hand and pats her slowly.


It was the Demon Lord's daughter, Lew.

"......Without Kikyou......I will not be able to live...... Please do not go......Kikyou"


The Demon Lord, a subordinate of the Demon God. Of course, being the Demon Lord, Lew's father was the enemy of Humanity.

However, only Lew was different. Her heart ached from the cruel deeds committed by the Demons and the harm that Humanity had suffered from it, asking her father countless times to stop. But her voice did not reach him. Banning her for being a nuisance, she was then taken in by Kikyou and his comrades right around then.

Of course, the Demon Lord and her only family member—though having no such feelings for Lew—was exterminated by Kikyou and his comrades. Meaning that she has no one to call family—besides Kikyou and his comrades whom she gets along well enough to call family.

Kikyou understands this as well. However, staying behind in this world because of this is an option he cannot choose.

That is why Kikyou tried to reason with her using a gentle tone.

"......Lew. Lati, Shea, and Lumia are all here. Lew's family are all here. That is why you should, from now on, together with them—"

"But......Kikyou will not be there. Saki too......will not be there. ......I, do not want that" Lew says as she hugs him tightly.

He could tell, from her looking up at him, that there are several large drops of tears streaming down her pure white skin.


Seeing her with such a grievous expression on her face, Kikyou grits his teeth. He then tries to say something, but unable to find the most appropriate words to say to her, he closes his mouth that he was about to open.

And, just then.

"......Kikyou-sama. It is time"

Kikyou's comrade and the second princess of the kingdom, Lumia, informs him, as cruel as it is, that the appointed time has arrived.

Hearing these words, Kikyou tries his best to feign a smile as he turns back to face Lumia.

"Yes. ......Lumia, up until the very end, thank you"

"What are you saying? This is for my beloved Kikyou-sama after all. Something like this is......noth............"


"Kikyou-sama. ......As expected, it is impossible. Even though I tried my hardest not to cry......I want to be together with you longer. This feeling is overflowing and the tears......the tears will not stop" She says as she runs up to him, burying her head in Kikyou's chest.


This was the first time Kikyou saw her tears. The tears of Lumia, who never once spewed a complaint no matter the situation.

As he saw this—Kikyou's tear duct, which had held up until now, finally burst open.

"......Even I...even I do not want to part ways. I want to be with Lumia, and Lew, and Shea, and Lati more!" Tears trickling, Kikyou hugs the females while earnestly expressing his feelings on the matter.

However, it seems like the Goddess will not wait, just as he thought that the magic circle seemed to have lit up, a white light enveloped Kikyou's body. And, at the same time, Lati, Shea, Lew, and Lumia, who were clinging onto Kikyou, were repelled out of the magic circle.

"—urk! Kikyou!" "Master!" "Maester!" "Kikyou-sama!" The four shouted, extending their hands.

However, the light enveloping Kikyou got brighter and brighter.


Kikyou extends his towards them as well.

But, of course, that hand does not reach them—just as they thought that Kikyou's figure was enveloped by the light, he disappears in a flash.

When Kikyou opened his eyes, there stood his nostalgic house.

"I have......returned I see"

Seeing his house after three years—that said, because the Goddess sent him back to the same day and time as his teleportation to another world, there are no changes at all but—feeling deeply moved, Kikyou smiled slightly.

However—that smile soon vanishes, changing to an expression tinged with gloominess.

"......But, I will never be able to meet with everyone again"

Indeed. Returning to Earth meant that, other than Saki, he would never be able to fulfill his wish of meeting with his other comrades.

"Lumia, Lati, Lew, Shea......" He murmurs the names of his beloved comrades.

—And, it was at that very moment.


All of a sudden, a small light accumulated in an area of the living room he was in and that light was slowly getting brighter.

"Wha......What is this!?" Kikyou screams maniacally due to this unexpected situation.

However, as if to prove that his words do not matter, the light got even brighter.

And, after several seconds, just as he thought the light finally dimmed, there laid—


The four figures who he thought he would never be able to meet.


Feel free to comment/pm me if you find any mistakes. Wishing everyone who celebrates Lunar New Year, A Happy Lunar New Year!, to the rest, I wish you all a good year ahead! Thank you very much for reading, I hope that you were able to enjoy yourself.


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