My Wife in The Web Game is a Popular Idol Chapter 1 Episode 3

Chapter 1

Episode 3

TLed by: TanoshiKara

The classroom in the morning. The friendly banter around me makes it noisy.

I am still nervous, even as I sit in my seat within such an environment. My heart has been pounding non-stop since yesterday night. Owing to this, I was not even able to eat a proper breakfast. Just a single boiled egg.


Sitting in the seat at the corner of the classroom, I look around the entire classroom. Female students talking to the students beside them, a gathering of male students who are acquaintances from various sports clubs......Other than these people, I was also able to confirm that there are flashy female students being all lively. Of course, I can also see the back of Mizuki-san, who is sitting in the frontmost seat, as clear as day.

I slowly took out my smartphone from my side pocket. I started up the voice chat app for games. Rin......Mizuki-san, there are no messages from her. I wanted to send a message in the chat but I could not think of what to write.

I wanted some response from her, anything at all, or so I thought as I gazed at Mizuki-san's back. As if to set an example, she sits with an elegant posture, reading a book with no care for the hustle and bustle around her. I wonder what the book is about. This is my selfish imagination but I feel that Mizuki-san likes slightly challenging stories written by foreign authors.

By the way, I absolutely am a total Light Novel lover. Recently, I have been especially into Web Novels.


She sureee heals my heart just from watching her from the back.

Even now, I cannot believe that I was playing games with Mizuki-san. And to think that I was doing that from middle school......

While I rested my elbow on the table and gazed blankly at the back of Mizuki-san's head, Mizuki-san turned back all of a sudden. Our eyes meet.


*thump*, my heart skipped a beat. My body stiffens up due to this sudden happening.

Right after that, Mizuki-san waved her right hand slightly, her face still expressionless. I too waved back immediately. As if she was satisfied with this, Mizuki-san turned to face the front and resumed her reading once again.


Elation, that is beyond comparison, wells up within my chest. I got waved at by that popular idol, Rinka Mizuki! What's more, our eyes also met!

With movement as swift as an insect's, I observe the reactions of the students around me. It seems like no one has noticed our earlier interaction. If anyone noticed, they would probably make a small scene. After all, Mizuki-san is so much of an idol that there is a rumor that she dislikes males. Anyone would be appalled knowing that she interacts with such a boring guy.

"......Is Rin really Mizuki-san?"

I reaffirm the fact, that was confirmed as of yesterday.

Such a miracle really exists I guess.

The fourth period's lesson ended and lunch break came.

The students in the Cafeteria Group stand up and leave the classroom. The remaining students are split between those who join their tables with their friends and those who quietly lay their lunchboxes across their own tables. I too belong to the Lunchbox Group but I have plans today so.

"Sup Ayanokouji. Let's eat"

"Yoo Ayanokouji-kun. The great me too has come today"

As I stood up from my chair, two male students came up to me. A plump male and an intelligent-looking male wearing glasses. The plump one is [Tachibana] and the one wearing glasses is [Saitou].

We usually spend break time together. The kind people would call well-acquainted friends. Facing them, I put my hands together and apologized.

"Sorry. I got plans today"

"Huh? What are you sayin? Do you have someone other than us to spend the lunch break with? No right?"

"The way you put it sure gets on my nerves......It is the truth though"

"Ayanokouji-kun, please do not waste time saying strange things. According to my calculations, we only have forty minutes for lunch break. Let us quickly finish our meal and discuss the LNs this month" Saitou said as he pushed his glasses up.

.....It is trivial but there is no need to calculate to know that lunch break is forty minutes. On the contrary, what did he calculate?

"I really made plans. I will be going"

"Just wait a minute"

My arm gets grabbed by Tachibana. As I turned back saying, What, Tachibana asks in a low voice.

"Can it be......It is not a girl right?"


"Hey, Ayanokouji?"

I closed my mouth, overpowered by a mysterious pressure. Tachibana has a plump body and short stature but his gaze is intense. So much so that I got slightly overwhelmed.

"Wait a moment Tachibana-kun. According to my calculations, Ayanokouji-kun only has a 0.4 percent probability of making a female friend. It is not something worth asking"

"No, is that not too low! So even something as simple as a female friend is so hopelessly low......!"

I would like ten percent at least. Is that not a fitting probability for me making female friends? ......Although, even that is low!

"Then who did you make plans with"

"......Mizuki-san" I muttered softly, feeling that my body just might shrink.

Just then, Tachibana and Saitou looked at each other and started laughing merrily.

"Buahahaha! What are you saying!   You telling me that you and Mizuki-san are going to spend time together during lunch!?"

"Well, erm, yeap. I got invited to a meal"

"As if that is possible! Enough with your delusions!"

"That is right Ayanokouji-kun. According to my calculations, the probability that Ayanokouji-kun gets invited by Mizuki-san is in the astronomical numerals"

"What is astronomical numerals? Don't go saying it in a more sophisticated way"

Their exaggerated laughter, which sounded like they were mocking me, got on my nerves. I should flick them at the head.

"Hahahahah! You sure made me laugh Ayanokouji. As thanks, I shall give you a bell pepper of mine"

"No need. Eat it yourself"

"Calm down Ayanokouji-kun. I shall provide you with one of my eggplants as well"

"Ohh for real? Thanksss- or so I would not say? You all are just pushing all the food you do not like on me"

These people and their teasing......! However, it cannot be helped that they do not believe me. I do not have the feeling that this is real after all.

"May I have a bit of your time?"


A voice calls out to me from the back so I turn around. It is Mizuki-san. She is standing behind me, with a dull expression that, depending on the person, may appear to be a cold one.

"Kazuto-kun. You did not forget about your plans with me right?"

"I did not f-forget. I was just about to go to you"

"I see. I am glad. Then shall we quickly head for the canteen? It will become packed if we take too long after all"

After saying this, Mizuki-san turns her back to us and walks to the classroom's exit.

As expected of a cool idol. Her manner of speech, all the way to the way she walks, is bold.

"H-hey, hey......Ayanokouji......?"

"N-no way......My"

The mouths of Tachibana and Saitou, who were watching our exchange, were opening and closing much like a goldfish. They had an expression that made them look extremely foolish.

"U-uhhhh. That is how it is so I......will be going"

"Ayanokouji! Just what trick did you use! There is just no way that you, an Online Game Goner, is able to have a meal with an idol!"

"According to my calculations, there will be a rain of meteors tomorrow"

"......You guys, I will remember this"

It seems like they have much more to say. And stop it with the Online Game Goner. I do stop at it being a hobby of mine, for now.

When I realized, even the group of students who remained in the classroom also had their attention on us.

What a pain. I hate standing out.

I chase after Mizuki-san in an attempt to escape from this situation.


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed yourself!


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