Harem Cheat Life in Present-day Japan ~The Story of the Male Teen who returned to Earth after saving Another World as the Hero and the Heroines who followed along for some reason~ Chapter 1-3

1-3 First meal in another world (Earth) 1

TLed by: TanoshiKara

Even though Saki went back, it is, of course, not as if the things that must be done today are finished.

The rooms each of them would be living in have not been decided and important locations such as the bath and the toilet have not been explained as well.

Considering the current time, there is one thing that should be prioritized. That is—

And, it was at that time.

*qewl*. A cute growl can be heard coming from Lew's belly; What impeccable timing!

Everyone reflexively directed their gazes at Lew and they saw Lew with her cheeks slightly flushed.

"......My stomach......growled"

Hearing this, Kikyou smiles, nods, and says, "Alright, let us have dinner for now"

"Meeeaaaalllll!!!!" Latiana said as she zipped around.

"......A meal in Kikyou's world......I am looking forward to it"

"What's on the menu!?" Shea flapped her arms, her eyes sparkling.

"Umm, let me think"

Considering that there are still things to be done later, complex dishes will be rather taxing on me. That said, holding back on their very first meal on Earth is just cruel......Is there something that is just right?

After mulling over it for several seconds, Kikyou perks up as if he had thought of a good idea.

"Right, we shall have hamburger steak then"


He has made hamburger steaks before in the other world—that said, as the ingredients are quite different, the ones in Japan are a whole different dish, as such—Latiana, who recognizes hamburger steaks as meat, is in high spirits.

Hearing of Fairies, one may very well think that they are vegetarians, but that is surely not the case. She is a meat-loving omnivore.

"Kikyou-sama......I shall help you out"

As Kikyou heads to the kitchen, Lumia follows right beside him. Even though she is the Second Princess, she has the skills of a homemaker.

"Thank you, Lumia. I shall ask you to finely chop the onions then"


Probably feeling fired up, Lumia strikes a guts pose in front of Kikyou. When she does this, the other girls also come up to him as if influenced by her.

"Kikyou......Help out" Lew said silently as she tugged Kikyou's sleeve slightly.

"Oh, alright then, I shall have Lew prepare the table and the plates"

".....I understand"

"Lati wants to help as well!"

"Help with Lew's preparation alright Lati?"


"Master! What about me!" Shea said, her tail wagging vigorously, her eyes brimming with expectation.

After laying his eyes on her for a second, Kikyou looks back in front of him and says, "......Uhh, then Shea can—pray that the hamburger steaks come out delicious I guess"

"Understooded! ......Praying for food to be delicious is a must—hey, why am I only supporting!? I wanna be directly involved!"

"Even if you say that......Right?"

An inexplicable expression appears on Kikyou's face.

As mentioned before, Shea is of the White Wolf race. A characteristic of the White Wolves is said to be their strong physique but she has such strong physique that she is exceptional even among them.

However, the plates crack in half for some reason whenever she holds them. When she was instead tasked with cooking a part of the meal, the food turned into dark matter.

"......Shea is......Dark Matter Cook" Lew murmurs.

It seems even Lew, who is only nine in human years, thought it was horrible.

Those words from Lew and no one defending her

"Uw-uw......So cruel......I'm the only one left out" She says as she starts pretending to cry.

......Hmm, well, I do feel bad for her if she is the only person with nothing to do.

Even though she is extremely clumsy, it would be quite rude to tell her to be the only one to sit down and wait, or so Kikyou thought.

......Hmm, is there something? I wonder, I wonder......That's right!, or so Kikyou thought of a good idea.

"Alright, let us make another dish other than the hamburger steaks"

"......Kikyou......Dark Matter......can I not?" Lew said in an uneasy tone after hearing Kikyou's suggestion.

Even the person herself, Shea, has stopped pretending to cry and is smiling bitterly instead.

"I shouldn't be the one to talk but......I gettin' the feelin' that I should give up"

"It will be fine, it will be fine. It is a simple one after all. I will also help out anyway" Kikyou says as he smiles at Shea.

And, at such perfect timing, Lumia calls out,  "......Kikyou-sama. I have finished finely chopping the onions."

"As expected of Lumia. Alright, can you stir-fry the finely chopped onions until they are brown?"

"A simple ask! Kikyou-sama, what about the chopping board and knife?"

Would it be better if I wash it?, or so Lumia asked, to which Kikyou, grinning mischievously, said, "Ah, leaving them as is, is fine. I shall use Shea now."


Shea's exclamation echoed throughout the house.


Feel free to comment/pm me if you find any mistakes. Thank you so much for reading, I hope that you enjoyed yourself.


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