My Wife in The Web Game is a Popular Idol Chapter 1 Episode 4

Chapter 1

Episode 4

TLed by: TanoshiKara

Reaching the cafeteria, we order the A-set.

As the table at the corner was unoccupied, I sat down facing Mizuki-san.

I thought that we would draw attention from the people around us but that is not really the case.

Is this because it is hard to stand out in a crowded and busy cafeteria?

I do sense some gazes from time to time but they are not ones that would stir up a scene. It might be because I got too sensitive to such things.

"All things considered, to think that Kazu is Kazuto-kun. I am surprised"

"I am surprised as well"

Probably more than a hundred times more than Mizuki-san. And, I am also slightly perplexed by her casually calling me by my name. It might be reasonable considering how our intimacy in the online game.

Perhaps I should try calling her Rinka-san. .........That is absolutely impossible. If I had that kind of courage, I would have made a hundred female friends.

"Kazu because it is Kazuto I see. Is that style of naming not too simplistic?"

"I think that Mizuki-san should not be one to talk though. Rin because it is Rinka right?"

"That is right. ......As expected, we are of the same wavelength. We have the same style of naming after all"

"We m-might"

This is bad, seems like my heart skipped a beat.

Mizuki-san saying that we are on the same wavelength made me extremely happy. I poked my chopsticks into the grilled fish, nipped a piece off, and brought it to my mouth.

..................What should I do? I cannot taste the flavor. My tongue is bugging out because I am too nervous.

"It is like a dream to be able to have a meal with Kazu I say"

"I-Is it? For a person like me to be your online friend, I feel kind of sorry"

"There is no need to put yourself down like this I say. I am relieved that Kazu's real identity is Kazuto Ayanokouji after all"


"Indeed. I am glad you are a way more wonderful male than my expectations"


Can I die now? It must surely be flattery but I am so touched that tears might come out. I have not a fragment of regret in this life of mine!, or so I thought but I still want to continue playing online games. This was the greedy me

"What are the chances for my marriage partner to be my classmate I wonder"

"The probability for a rain of meteors I guess. Well, even if we are talking about marriage partners, it is in an online game though" As I say this, Mizuki-san silently puts down her chopsticks.

"Kazuto-kun. Even if it is online, 


"This is my opinion but......It is exactly because we do not know a person's appearance and roots online that, that it brings out a person's heart and nature or so I think"

"Ah, ahhh, I see......?"

"I will say it bluntly but out of all the players I have met up till now, Kazu is the most sincere and pure"

"......Th-that so"

Me being sincere aside, there is no mistaking that my feelings of enjoying online games are pure. There are no impure feelings whatsoever in my interactions with Rin.

"I was encouraged by Kazu countless times during the difficult period when my idol's career was not going well at all"

"Ahhhh......Come to think of it, such a thing did happen huh"

When a certain period arrived, Rin would seem disheartened. So much so that I know just from interacting with her through the text chat. Sensing that something happened to Rin in real life, I chose not to ask about the situation while I tried to comfort her though......

"If I did not meet Kazuto-kun online, I would have retired from being an idol before I became a high schooler"

"Such an exaggeration"

"It is not an exaggeration I say. In actuality, the rise in popularity of us StarMines only started during the first year of high school. It was really tough up until then"

Well, it was also tough after we were selling though, or so Mizuki-san added.

According to the official website, it seems like Star☆Mines was formed when its members were in their second year of middle school. However, as their popularity remained low even after several months, it was thought, for a period of time, that they might even disband.

They have grown from being in such a situation to a widely popular idol group after all~. The amount of effort they probably gave in blood and sweat is unimaginable for me, a person who is called an Online Game Goner.

A person like me being able to give even the slightest support to Mizuki-san, is something I am extremely happy about.

"In real life, many people with ulterior motives approach me, and even in games, most male players would change their attitudes when they found out I was a girl"

"That sure is something that is tough to handle"

This is coming from me who has never once gotten popular but seeing Mizuki-san seemingly disheartened as she talks has me sympathizing slightly with her.

"Amidst of all this, it was only Kazu. Talking to me with the same attitude no matter what happened......"

As if to lovingly embrace a precious memory of hers, Mizuki-san smiles nostalgically.

Looking at her like this, the memories from when I just met Rin come back to my mind all of a sudden.

"I am Rin. Although I am a beginner, it is nice to meet you"

"Got it. Well, it is a game so let's not get all stiff and enjoy ourselves"

One week later.

"Kazu-san. If it is alright with you, shall we explore a dungeon together today?"

"That is fine"

"I would be delighted if you teach me some other things as well"

"Got it. Then let's go harvesting after the dungeon"

"Thank you very much"

Another month later.

"Kazu. What shall we do today? Anything's fine~"

"Hmmmmm. Then let's do some harvesting"


And, after half a year.

"Let's go fishing!"

"Eh, I wanna harvest today"

"Let's go fishing!"


"Let's go fishing!"

"So you are pushing this on me forcefully!"

........................On the contrary, is Rin not the one who has changed! She became more and more cheeky!

"Kazu-kun. Are you listening to what I am saying?"

"Huh, yeahhh, of course"

I tried giving a huge nod after being questioned by a somewhat suspicious Mizuki-san. However, seemingly finding out that I was not listening, Mizuki-san pouted, most likely annoyed.

"Haaaa......well that is fine. In other words, I, even if it is online, do not just marry anyone. No, it being online is exactly why I think that the heart of a person who is not bound by unnecessary information becomes important"


"Or is it that Kazu-kun's thoughts differ from mine?"

"No, I feel the same. Even if it is in an online game, marriage is an important event after all"

I did go along with her opinion just in case but, honestly, I think that everyone has their own opinions on In-game Marriage. While going for the benefits bestowed by the marriage is not wrong, I also think that marrying due to special feelings, just like Mizuki-san, is wonderful.

"What a relief. Kazu-kun feels the same as well yes?"

"Ah, yes"

As if heaving a sigh of relief, Mizuki-san strokes her chest.

......What is this sense of unease? I feel like something is decisively different between us. I interpret the marriage as "getting along" well enough to marry Mizuki-san in an online game. However, in Mizuki-san's case, I feel like her view on this is different......?

"Ah, it's Rin-chan! It sure is rare for you to come to the cafeteria"

I hear a cute voice, seemingly packed full of energy, of a girl. The owner of this voice, a female student, walks up to Mizuki-san.

"Oh my, Nana. I see you are also energetic today"

"Well yeah! I ate a ton of rice after all!"

She, who has short hair, that is slightly long, seems to be called Nana. That cutesy face of hers, well-defined like that of a small animal, has a bright expression, that is seemingly affable.

No, wait a minute! Don't tell me this girl is......!

"Oh? Is this boy someone Rin-chan knows?

"Uh-huh. This is Kazuto Ayanokouji-kun"

"I see, I am called Nana Kurumizaka! A member of StarMines just like Rin-chan! Nice to meet you"

She asks for a handshake with a carefree smile, her name—Nana Kurumizaki. A popular idol who is the center for Star☆Mines and Rinka Mizuki's best friend.


Thank you very much for reading, I hope you had fun reading the chapter!


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