Harem Cheat Life in Present-day Japan ~The Story of the Male Teen who returned to Earth after saving Another World as the Hero and the Heroines who followed along for some reason~ Chapter 1-4

1-4 First meal in another world (Earth) 2

TLed by: TanoshiKara

Skin peeled, half an onion sat on top of the chopping board. In front of it, a somewhat nervous Shea standing there with a knife in her right hand.

"Uw-Uw......Am I really gonna do it......"

Shea, ever so ready to pretend to cry earlier, but, as expected, when it came time to do it for real, she seemed to recall her past failures, making her somewhat uneasy.

Kikyou walks up to such a Shea. And, as if this is nothing special at all, calmly stands behind her.

"Well then, excuse me for a while," He says as he rotates his arms, carefully ensuring that they do not touch her, before putting his hands over Shea's.

" " "............!?" " "

Seeing this all to unexpected action from Kikyou, the three of them, except Shea, perked up.

"......M-mmmmmaster!? W-what're you doing!?" Shea says, her face steaming red due to the sudden touch at close proximity.

"Well, I want to teach you the way to cut it" Kikyou replied, his face indifferent in contrast.

Grrrr, or so Lumia says after hearing this.

"......I do think that a verbal explanation is enough if you are teaching her how to cut it!" She then says as she sees the hands of Shea and Kikyou overlapping each other and can no longer stand it.

"Well, this is the surefire way though"

"......U-Urk. That is true but......"

Seeing as Kikyou's words were reasonable, Lumia said nothing more.

And so, the joint task continues.

The three girls stare, with various feelings mixed in their gazes, as Kikyou calls out to Shea gently.

"Here we go Shea," He says.

Kikyou grips slightly tighter perhaps to correct Shea's way of holding the knife.

"......! ......Y-yesh"

The sudden increase in intimacy of their hands. Kikyou's body temperature which she could tell through her hands.

No, that is not all. ......Even though nothing ‘sides my hands is being touched, my entire body feels kinda warm.

Even though they are not in direct contact, Shea could feel the warmth from Kikyou through the air perhaps due to them being so close that they could almost touch each other.

That faint warmth causes Shea to get all fidgety.

......Uw-uw. What's this? Even though I am usually the one to cling to him. ......I feel more restless today......when we are not in direct contact.

While she is preoccupied with this comfortable yet restless feeling, Kikyou is absolutely serious. Paying no mind to these trivial things, he speaks with a kind expression on his face.

"......When cutting onions, you first use your hands to support it like this......Yes. Then, chop it like this"

He put some strength in the hands he overlapped with hers and cut the onion twice.

"......Like this?"

Shea runs the knife through once, imitating the motions earlier. Though it looks slightly uneven, she successfully cut the onion.

"Yeap, yeap, looking good"

"Fuhehe. I did it" She grins.

"Alright, let's continue so as not to forget this sensation"

"Okie. ......Chop......Chop......"

"Uh-huh, uh-huh, good, good"

Hearing Kikyou's voice right by her ears, Shea's cheeks turn slightly red before she lets out a gentle smile. She then accidentally turns her head to the side for some reason and......there it is, the face of her beloved Kikyou.

"......Master" She mutters while in a daze.

"What is it, Shea"

Reacting to the voice, Kikyou looks over to her—and their eyes meet.

" "............" "

Silence hangs over them.

It was only for several milliseconds, but to Shea, it was like that of several seconds or even tens of seconds......

"......It's nothing"

......Seemingly unable to bear it any longer, Shea turns back to the onion.


Kikyou tilts his head. In comparison, Shea, within his arms, tries her hardest to hold her grin in by forcefully pressing her lips together, all while her face is as red as a ripe tomato.


Lumia was staring at the two of them, but she could not bear it any longer.

"What are you two trying to show us!?" Arching her body forward, she exclaimed, baffled and green with jealousy.


Feel free to comment/pm me if you find any mistakes. Thank you for reading, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter.


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