My Wife in The Web Game is a Popular Idol Chapter 1 Episode 6

Chapter 1

Episode 6

TLed by: TanoshiKara

Somehow or other, the day passes peacefully.

Once classes are finished, the students hurriedly leave the classroom. They are probably busy with things such as heading to club activities or hanging out with their friends.

With nothing in particular to do, I sit in my seat, relaxed.

I gaze at Mizuki-san's back with hazy feelings.

Mizuki-san gives me a small wave as she leaves the classroom. I wave back, holding back my urge to smirk. Seemingly satisfied, Mizuki-san walks off with Kurumizaka who comes to the corridor to meet with her.

I do not know the details but they are probably heading to their idol activities. Activities such as singing and dance practice or giving their all at some sort of recording.....

I wonder how idols, who are students, spend their day. I am now curious about something I was never curious about. I want to know a little more about Mizuki-san.

"But she does not like talking about topics regarding real-life thoughhh……"

Let's hold back on asking. It would be too tragic if I tried to close the distance between us in a weird way only for her to avoid me. It is a miracle that I was able to get closer to the popular idol I admire so I should cherish the current relationship we have.

Resolving myself to do this, I stand up, thinking it is about time to head home.

"Ayanokouji-kuuuun......! Where dooo you think you're going!?"

"According to my calculations, the probability of you escaping from us is zero percent I declare"

"......You guys"

Tachibana blocks my path, arms apart. Saitou, in particular, comes over to seize my bag. These people are serious......!

"D-ddo-don't tell me you and Rinka Mizuki......spent private time together, that isn't so right!?"

"Nope. I only returned home and played an online game"

"That true!? That better be the truth right!?"

"Of course"

......Let's keep the conversation in the cafeteria a secret. There is no telling what they might do if they find out that Kurumizaka-san also got involved.

"There, there, calm down Tachibana-kun. Ayanokouji-kun should also take a sit"

"No, I wanna go home though"

"Take a seat. ......Before my glasses breathe fire"


Getting hit with an inexplicable threat, I reluctantly sit myself down. Well, it certainly is inexplicable.

Is it just me who wants a glimpse of glasses breathing fire?

"Wellll then, Ayanokouji-kun. I shall have you tell us everything from start to finish"

"What should I talk about?"

"That's a given right!? The details of how you got close to Mizuki of course!"


"And I heard that you even got to chat with Nana-chan at the cafeteria huh! You luxurious prick!"

"What's luxurious is your body right?" I say as I look at Tachibana's plump belly.

"What did you say you damn prick!"

"Pft! According to my calculations, that retort just now is a full hundred marks! ......Pft"

"Even Saitou......! No, enough with my build. We should be talking about Ayanokouji right now! How did you get close to Mizuki!?"

"Rather than that, even though you call Mizuki-san by her family name, you call Kurumizaka-san by her first name I see"

"Ahhhh, it's like an image thing? Mizuki does not act casually enough that I am able to call her by her first name or rather...... Nana-chan gives off a sense of intimacy which is nice right?"

"That feeling is something I somewhat understand. Well then, that is the case so......"

"You sure are bad at diverting us from a topic. Enough already, just tell us"


What should I do? Mizuki-san plays online games......Would this not be information that would shock the world? I definitely am not looking down on games but this is not an image that fits that Mizuki-san at all. If this gets out, her persona will be destroyed......or well, that is an exaggeration. Even so, this is not something that should be made public.

"Hey Ayanokouji-kun! I will not give you any bell peppers from now on if you don't hurry it up!"

"I don't like bell peppers anyway. It is not that I hate them but it is not like I like them so"

"I know! I'll give you a thousand yen so tell us!"

Tachibana and Saitou join their hands together to beg. They are so desperate that I got put off...... I want to ignore them if possible. However not saying anything might instead cause an uproar. I make my decision with much reluctance.

"......You two must absolutely not tell anyone alright?"

"I know already! Aren't we friends? I will keep my promise!"

"According to my calculations, the probability of us keeping our promises is two thousand percent I declare!"

"Now it totally sounds like a lie...... Mizuki-san and I got to know each other in an online game"

"Oho. Under what circumstances?"

"Rather than circumstances...... The person I married in the online game two years ago was Mizuki-san"

" "F-for real!?" " In their surprise, they exclaimed in unison.

Well, that is the normal way to react.

"Hey, Saitou! What is the probability, in percentage, of your online game wife being a popular idol?"

"According to m-my calculations, it is thirty percent I guess"

"Ain't that quite high!"

Tachibana and Saitou stir up quite the commotion with their clamoring.

What is it, what is it, or so the classmates, who chose to remain in the classroom, went as they shifted their gaze to us.

"Hey you two, don't make a fuss. It will be bad if other people find out you know"

"Huh? What will be bad"

"It concerns Mizuki-san's image. And, this is a possibility but, if her interest in online games gets out to the public, I think that Mizuki-san will quit online games"

I have no grounds for it. It is not like I heard about it from the person herself. Merely my intuition, as a friend, from our long years playing together.

"......That might happen. According to my calculations, there is a ninety-nine percent chance that the world will be in an uproar regarding Mizuki-san's online game interest I declare. And many people will probably start playing online games in hopes of meeting Mizuki-san in-game. There is no doubt that there will be an uproar"

Although those are predictions rather than calculations, I do think they are quite accurate.

"That is the situation so will you two not tell this to other people?"


As if they are thinking about something, the two have their mouths closed and do not say anything.

"I want to protect the place where Mizuki-san belongs. It is my selfish presumption but.....The world of online games is the only world where she can play without being concerned about the people around her or so I think. I am begging you two, please do not tell anyone else" I added, spurred on by my impatience.

"Ayanokouji..... There is no need to worry. Your feelings have been conveyed clearly enough"


Is this what they call the 'Power of Friendship'?

Exuding an air of sincerity, Tachibana stares right at me.

"————I'll let you have em', my bell peppers that is"

"I shall say this even though we are friends. I'll sock you"

They sure have it in them to joke with the friend who shared all those details, that earnestly, with them.

A murderous urge wells up within me and I glare right back with all my might.

"Ha ha ha! It was a joke Ayanokouji! The stuff regarding Mizuki is our secret right!"


"No, I am really sorry. Getting glared at by the normally quiet Ayanokouji is scary"

Even this?, or so I say as I continue to glare murderously at Tachibana.

Tachibana's lips stiffen and he hides behind Saitou.

"There, there, Ayanokouji-kun. This is Tachibana we are talking about so let's forgive him. Ah, I, of course, will keep my promise as well so do not worry"

"Haaa......Alright, I understand"

There is no use getting any angrier. And I do know, at least, that they are not the type of people to break promises. That is why I decided to tell them.

Right at that moment, a notification sound came from my smartphone.

I check the details. The sender is Rin. Shall we game for a bit tonight?, or so it writes.


Saitou and Tachibana peek at the smartphone from the side, their necks outstretched.

"W-what is it"

"Can we come along too?"

"No can do. The Mizuki-san in-game is pure but shy or rather......she shows utmost wariness when she is with anyone other than those she trusts"

I have never seen a time when she was friendly with anyone besides me.

It can be said that Mizuki-san's interpersonal relationships in online games are quite exclusive.

"She is somewhat like a cat huh...... Well, if Ayanokouji-kun is saying this then there is no choice. We will behave"

"Right. Anyway, it has been a long time but I should probably play some online games. I may be able to marry an idol after all!"

The air changes to become a friendly one as the two talk among themselves.

With this, it seems like the matter regarding Mizuki-san has calmed down.

"Okay. I will log in around 2100" or so I replied while backchanneling their conversation.

While I look forward to tonight, an uncontrollable nervousness makes my heart pound.


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Covid infections are on the rise again so stay safe! Also, Sinoalice Clone Assault Lily has been released so give it a try if you really like Sino's gameplay, the story is a lot less dark though IMO. Note that the game is still quite buggy though so give them some time to squash the bugs.


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