Killed Again, Mr. Detective Volume 1 Case 1 Chapter 3 part 1

Volume 1

Case 1: Queen Irie Class Murder Incident

Chapter 3 No Wonder You Died (Part 1)

TLed by: TanoshiKara

After the circus performance finishes, the people exchange their own opinions on it as they head back into the ship.

I slowly open my eyes, my consciousness is still hazy. As my cloudy vision slowly regains focus, I see Lilithea with a frighteningly straight face; I also feel her soft lap pillow at the back of my head.

"You have resurrected (Welcome back), Sakuya-sama" Seeing that I have completely regained consciousness, Lilithea greets me politely as always.

"Ug......Gohg! Gehg!"

Coughing violently, I sat up while throwing up lumps of blood. Still sitted, I looked back at Lilithea.

She sits on her knees, back upright, looking straight at me.

Her dress is covered in blood. Even her cheeks and hands are sticky with blood which are about to dry up. All the blood is, of course, mine.

Whenever I get killed, Lilithea is always by my side, waiting for my revival. She may get her clothes stained by my blood, my tears, and my vomit, and yet she is unfazed by it all.

And she says to me, who has just resurrected, with a mix of dreariness, scorn, and seriousness, "I see that you have been killed again, Sakuya-sama."

"......Looks like it"

I got killed. I got killed again.

"You were stabbed once in the throat by a knife. Such carelessness"

My memories right before the murder are vague but I remember the taste of gushing blood quite well.

After that, I came to a sudden realization, checking my watch like a person who overslept.

"Sakuya-sama has died (slept) for an hour and six minutes"

My location remains unchanged. This is still the storage room on the first floor.

"I, was killed here......At that time......"

As I traced back the memories from when I was last alive, I felt depressed. I was killed in the end despite being that afraid of death and preparing for it; Killed incredibly swiftly at that.

"After being notified by Sakuya-sama, I accompanied the staff to this storage room and we discovered the bodies of Monsieur Nejihiko Watanoya and Sakuya-sama. This case is being kept a secret from the rest of the passengers"

"I am glad you are quick on the uptake......Watanoya? Who is that again?"

"Nejihiko Watanoya. The full name of the other deceased person who was hanged"

"I see that you already know of the victim's background"

"It is because he had his identity card with him. His family has decided not to roam about and are currently in their room. Well, it is only natural as a family member was murdered"

"Family......Did Nejihiko Watanoya board the ship with his family?"

"Yes. They all depise Sakuya-sama"

"It is not like I was killed because I wanted to. I was suddenly attacked from behind......Hm?"

Lilithea mentioned it so indifferently that I was about to miss a weird portion of the report.

"What did you just say? Hate? Me?"


"That is because, from the state of the scene, they think that Sakuya-sama killed Monsieur Nejihiko"

"Why did it become like that!"

"If you would have a look at your right hand"

"......Miss Bus Guide?"

"That is not the case. If you would take a look at the feet of Monsieur Nejihiko"

Swallowing the remaining blood at the back of my throat, I look in the direction I was told to.

The body was still hanging at the same spot. Perhaps this is due to the need to preserve the scene.

Poor guy, they still have not lowered him.

Dropped at the feet of a stockstill Nejihiko is a familiar knife.

"Sakuya-sama being stabbed in the throat and killed by the hands of Monsieur Nejihiko—that is what I see it as"

That knife was used for the Knife-throwing segment of the circus. Both the blade and the handle have blood sticking to them, which is drying up.

"Upon investigation, I found a box storing throwing knives. They most likely handled the box carelessly as it was not locked"

Indeed, this is also the place where the circus stores all their props big and small

"Monsieur Nejihiko's hand is also sticky with the same blood. From the drying phenomena of the two, they both are Sakuya-sama's I presume. Looking only at the state of this scene, it is reasonable to think that, along with his death, the knife fell from Monsieur Nejihiko's hand onto the floor, as you can see before you"

"No, no! A knife you say! I did not see him holding that when I discove—"

"So it went like this. Due to some motive of sorts, Sakuya-sama wanted to kill Monsieur Nejihiko by hanging him. However, Monsieur Nejihiko used the knife he had kept on him beforehand to retaliate before his death, leading to Sakuya-sama's throat being stabbed. But Sakuya-sama also utilized his willpower to squeeze out the last bit of his strength to hang Monsieur Nejihiko high up and was then able to deliver the final stab. It is no wonder that Sakuya-sama's strength ran out and Sakuya-sama died after that"

"Do not only explain the last part like it is popular culture"

And so, there were now two bodies here. That was the scene that Lilithea and the crew saw when they rushed here.

"This is merely the crew's interpretation of this situation"

"It is a misunderstanding! I am not the culprit! On the contrary, I am a victim! I was actually killed you know!"

"Of course, Lilithea believes in Sakuya-sama. However, dead men tell no tales. Abusing the fact that Sakuya-sama had passed on and could not rebut, everyone said whatever they wanted to, treating Sakuya-sama like a culprit"

"Even though I went through great pains to get resurrected, I sure was not rewarded for it with me being treated like a culprit"

"No. On the contrary, I think that you should be happy"

Lilithea breaks into a modest smile with that shapely face of hers as she grasps my hand.

"Fortunately, as Sakuya-sama has been able to come back to life, you are not a dead person. Thus, you have a mouth to tell tales. It is possible to defend yourself to your heart's content"

"Seems like it is going to get complicated"

However, that is sound reasoning. There is no choice but to clear away the doubts cast upon me with my very own hands.

"Let us first seek an audience with the Watanoya family," I said as I stood up while checking the condition of my body.

Just then, I got a little dizzy. It is anemia.

"Alright. But"

She holds out a white shirt in front of me.

"Please get changed before that"

When I took a look after she brought it up, I noticed that my shirt was in a horrible state, with my own blood stained all over it.

Coming back to life even after getting killed. Reviving—even after dying.

I am not sure when I became like that. I merely know that it has been like that ever since I realized it.

If a blueprint for my body exists somewhere, it would probably have to have been designed when God was half-awake during the most treacherous hour of working overnight.

The living thing known as Sakuya Outsuki may get killed over and over but he comes back to life regardless. Even if he wishes not to, prays not to, he comes back to life time and again. He has been killed many times during the cases he has been involved in up until now. He had been murdered, had his breathing impeded, had his Cardiopulmonary system shut down, leading to his death; He has kicked the bucket, died in the Christian sense, and has been on his own deathbed.

Even I do not quite understand why I have been killed this many times. Lilithea always says that I had let my guard down or that I was careless. Even if she says that, it is not as though I get killed because I want to.

It is always, for some odd reason, that Death is the one that comes right for me. In the form of Fate, a force that I can do nothing about, it follows beside me.

However, the cycle of getting killed and coming back to life always repeats itself.

Immortality—is not what this should be called or so I think. Immortality is when one does not die even when killed, strong, inhuman, unmatched, and peerless; An existence like that of my father. That is why Tatsuya Outsuki is called the Undying Detective.

However, I am different. I no doubt die and merely come back to life after that—without meaning to.

That is why this is probably not called Immortality. It is not like I cannot die and it is, without exception, excruciatingly painful and lonely whenever I die.

That is why I fear Death the most out of everyone in this world. I hate it.

I always wish to retort the people who tease me for being too scared using this line—Then have you died before? That pain and suffering, the despair of dying, and the loneliness, do you know them?

This is what is called experience doing the talking.

After changing, Lilithea and I immediately left the scene, that being storage room on the first floor.

"Come to think of it, there has been a single development in society while Sakuya-sama was dead (asleep)" Lilithea said as I was folding my blood-stained shirt.


"The media has reported on the aforementioned hijack incident and it has been made public"

"Ahh, that incident I see"

"It seems like it has garnered the interests of most of the people on the ship"

It is indeed the incident of the century. That is when compared to a murder which occurred inconspicuously on board a ship. But, of course, those are incomparable.

We climb the stairs to return to the second floor. Just as we were about to reach the second floor, we bumped into several of the crew who were about to head down.

"Huh!? Mister is......! Why!? He is alive! Did Mister not die!? Whoaaa-!"

Probably knowing of the incident already, they shrieked and fell to the floor immediately after seeing that I was walking around unscathed. It is only natural.

"Y-You were indeed dead were you not!"

An extremely mysterious version of Japanese has been born from the mix of his attitude as a professional crew and being shocked from the bottom of his heart.

"Erm, a lot happened"

This is troubling. Of course, even I do not want to make this weird and hardly believable body trait public. I put in as much effort as possible every time to ensure that no one catches on.

But even this has its limits.

What is this? Why are you alive, standing, and moving about?, or so I have heard people say quite a number of times, spit flying, as they drew closer and closer to me.

As to how I get through those times—

"There is no need for concern everyone. By the hidden technique from my motherland called the Resurrection Technique, Sakuya-sama has, as you can all see, come back to life"

Just like this, Lilithea, my capable assistant, handles the situation for me.

"Resurrection Technique you say......but"

"There is no need to worry"

An excuse that makes me, the listener, feel like my legs gave way.

However ridiculous, it is a fact that I am alive. Most people tend to have utmost faith in what they see so this normally does the trick.

It is the same this time with the crew looking at one another and ultimately deciding to accept the facts.

Seeing as they had calmed down, I decided to ask them a question.

Right, asking them here is the most certain and the fastest.

"By the way, what room is Watanoya-san's family in? I want to talk with them about the true culprit"

Apparently, the Watanoya family is in a room hastily allotted to them.

"Here huh"

To meet face to face with the victim's bereaved family soon after the incident—with the added fact that they seem to think that I am the one who killed him—is honestly something I am reluctant to do, but I steel myself just in case and knocked on the door.

"We did not request room service. I am sorry but we are busy right now so......"

However, the person who showed up after opening the door was not from the Watanoya family but the detective, Sozorogi.

"Ehhh!? Y-You!?" He exclaimed when he looked at me and backed away into the room.

"Sakuya! You......were supposed to have died in the storage room no......!? You were dead right......? Are you alive......You are alive, right? You are not a ghost right?"

Just as his reaction suggests, Sozorogi-san does not know of the unique trait of my body.

"We will discuss this later. Everyone is inside right, Sozorogi-san?"

"The victim's bereaved family? Well, they are inside but......Ah, hey!"

"Pardon me for a bit"

Walking past Sozorogi, I head inside swiftly.

There are four people in the room lined with sofas. A male in his early fifties sits in the two-seater ahead of me. Though plump, he does not strike me as unhealthy; He is probably the head of the family.

Beside him sits a lean woman roughly in her mid-forties, most likely his wife. She is wearing Japanese clothing that is probably quite expensive.

I assume that the girl sitting on her rump, with her knees bent, and feet positioned outside of her hips, on the corner seat of the four-seater opposite them, is the married couple's daughter and that the tall young man standing some distance away is her elder brother. He is the one who is having a hard time opening the ice cream cup he just took out from the fridge.

It seems like these people make up the Watanoya family.

With the arrival of a sudden trespasser, they all looked at me.

I see, they are indeed the family members of the victim. Their single-eyelid eyes look very similar.

At the same time, I also realized another thing. This family looks familiar. They are the family that exchanged words with Katsuragi during the circus performance.

"Y-You are......" The head of the family said in a shaky voice.

"Gyaaa! Zombie!" His daughter screamed right after as if to drown out his words.

A certainly natural, reasonable, and healthy response.

According to Lilithea, they have checked my dead body at the scene alongside Nejihiko's. That very dead body has nonchalantly visited the room so that cannot be helped.

"I apologize for intruding. I am Sakuya Outsuki, a detective" I apologized for my rudeness and introduced myself.

However, no one welcomed me. There was no applause nor were there any drink recommendations.

"A detective you say? You probably mistook it for the culprit, no?"

"I am someone who got roped into the incident by chance, a detective"

It was troublesome but Lilithea and I used the same excuse as we did with the crew to ease their fears.

"By walking away with your life......You, with that injury......"

Nevertheless, his wife is still somewhat doubtful.

"I was lucky"

"Lucky, you said......I saw that an unbelievable amount of blood came out from your carotid artery though......"

This was how the husband reacted.

"Right, that is why I am still feeling slightly anemic"

After inserting a boring joke, I glanced at Sozorogi who was standing beside me. Seemingly catching my drift, he gave me a simple introduction to the family.

"In order, this is the husband, Kashihiko Watanoya-san. His wife, Wako-san. His eldest daughter, Miko-san, and—"

"I ammm his eldest son, Amahiko. Whoaaa, you sureee have quite the vitality"

His eldest son gave his name without waiting to be introduced. It seems like he finally succeeded in opening the ice cream cup.

"I see that all of you are on a cruise as a family. Quite the luxury"

When it comes to the travel expenses of a family of five, the amount becomes one that a regular person cannot fork out.

They are probably in the upper class of wealth.

"What do you mean quite the luxury? He is from that Watanoya Confectionery you know! This is the president, Kashihiko-san" Sozorogi interrupted me as if to criticize me for my rudeness.

"Hm? That means......Ahhh! Watanoya Confectionery!"

That's right, the circus pamphlet I received earlier. One of the supporting organizations listed there does go by that name. Watanoya Confectionery - known for being a famous maker of sweets.

"Wahaha, the heartily smiling Waaataaanoooyaaa~♪ Right! The song for their television commercial!"

It was played quite often when I was young, I think.

"Correct! They are a long-standing manufacturer that has spent many years seeking unique flavors!"

"Why is Sozorogi-san talking about them that fervently?"

Watanoya Confectionery. If I remember correctly, I saw a special coverage of them in the past that mentioned them owning a large sugar cane farm overseas, exporting their products to many countries worldwide, and the like.

Come to think of it, I have not seen that commercial on television for some time.

"Who cares about a commercial that long ago!"

"What in the world have you come here for!" Miko-san yelled once again.

She glares at me while hugging a dolphin doll; Her favorite, most likely. She is about eleven or twelve. She resembles her mother, beautiful and seemingly strong-willed.

"You have some nerve showing up here after killing Brother Nejihiko!"

This is most natural when thinking about the situation and the state of her mind.

"I am sorry for causing you much grief. I have come here to dispel the misunderstanding" I explained as I lowered my head earnestly. 


Kashihiko-san frowns, reflecting the state of his mind

"Elementary,” said I. “It seems like everyone thinks that I am the culprit who killed Nejihiko-san but the culprit is someone else. In the first place, I do not know Nejihiko-san at all. I have not a single motive to do this"

"You could have gotten to know him after boarding the ship right? As for the motive, it is likely that you flew into a fit of rage and killed him after the argument escalated"

"It is as you say, Mr. Husband. That is possible if we are talking about possibilities. Even so, I can swear; Swear that the true culprit of this incident is someone else"


"That is because there is no mistaking that I saw Nejihiko-san being attacked by a third person and I remember this"

"Remember you say......"

Kashihiko-san is perplexed. He has an expression much like a child who has been cheated on in a card game.

This is cheating indeed. The very victim who has been killed has come back to life and is retelling the situation at the time of his death after all.

The world's deductive novels would not hold up if such a thing were possible in reality. There would be no need for the characters to wrack their brains to deduce after all.

But I am doing exactly that. A disgrace to detectives. Doing such a thing is cheating, it goes against the rules.

That is why I am incompetent as a detective.

"However, from the state of the scene, it seems like only you can be the culprit though?" Amahiko says as he scoops up some of the ice cream in his hand with his spoon.

"No, there is no forensics team here so the scene has yet to be properly investigated. Nothing is conclusive at this point"

Sozorogi sure made me overjoyed by backing me up. He probably had no intention of doing that himself and was merely stating the facts as an officer though.

Even so, I shot Sozorogi a glance to show my appreciation to which he cursed at, seemingly displeased, "Hmph, as I expected. I had an unsettling premonition ever since I saw your face on the ship. See, it happened. It happened as I expected; An incident! What's more, a murder! Geez, how off-putting!"

"Please do not take your anger out on me because I came out of it alive. ......Well, that aside, it is just as Officer Sozorogi has said. The interpretation that Nejihiko-san and I died after taking each other out is merely the initial impression given off by the scene. You will notice an oddity if you stay calm and observe"

"How is it odd?"

"The oddity lies in the place where I was, where I collapsed. At that time, I collapsed a few meters from where Nejihiko-san's body hung"

"What about it?"

"If Nejihiko-san stabbed me with a knife while being hanged as a last-ditch effort at resisting, I would have had to be standing close to him or the knife would not reach. However, I collapsed quite a distance away"

"After being stabbed, you backed away while in pain and you collapsed where you did"

"That is wrong Miko-chan. No one can avoid losing a large amount of blood when their throat has been stabbed deeply. In fact, I did lose quite a lot of blood. There would be drops of blood left over as bloodstains if I were to move about in such a state. However, there were no such bloodstains at the scene"

The blood I lost only dripped onto the spot where I collapsed.

"Someone stabbed me with the knife and had Nejihiko-san hold the murder weapon after that. All to get the blood, on the knife, on his hand, and his fingerprints on the knife"

"Are you saying that they fa-bri-ca-ted the scene to frame you......?"

Miko sure knows some difficult words for her age.

"It is not like I am trying to add more certainty to the matter but," or so Lilithea went, requesting to speak.

"Would it be alright for me to speak about another point?"

"Please, Lilithea"

"Well then"

While Lilithea did conceal her presence earlier, all eyes are now on her.

"In fact, thinking that it would help to dispel Sakuya-sama's suspicion, I investigated the remote control for the electrical hoist while Sakuya-sama was asleep"

"Hey! Doing things on your own accord is......troubling" Sozorogi tried to yell at Lilithea but, whether it is that seeing her ever so resolute made him timid, he unconsciously mumbled mid-sentence.

"I utilized my very own fingerprint kit I had coincidentally brought along in an attempt to find out whether there were any fingerprints left on the remote control"

"To think that Lilithea was doing such a thing for me"

I am touched by her devotion.


Thank you very much for waiting, the uploads will be back now that everything is all lined up! Feel free to comment/pm me if you find any mistakes. Oh? I hear something! Is that Box 16 playing in the background?! Thank you for reading, I hope that you enjoyed the 1st half.


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