Harem Cheat Life in Present-day Japan ~The Story of the Male Teen who returned to Earth after saving Another World as the Hero and the Heroines who followed along for some reason~ Chapter 1-7

1-7 This and That After Deciding Rooms

TLed by: TanoshiKara

After eating dinner, deciding the rooms, and spreading the Futons1 in each room, Kikyou and his comrades each sat at their favorite spots and idly watched the television. There are conversations from time to time, but, whether it is because the television is a rarity, the girls’ attentions are drawn to it for the most part.

And, just then, the sound of electronics echoes throughout the living room all of a sudden.

This made Latiana, who was sleeping on Kikyou's lap, twitch and, as if to follow suit, the three girls, who were glued to the television, looked up alertly before squealing in shock.

"W-What sound's that!?" Shea exclaimed as she looked around, her fur standing on their end.

"I-Is this an enemy attack!?" Lumia stuttered, clearly flustered by the sound as well.

"......Lew will......beat them to a pulp," Lew said as a jet of air rushed out from her flared nostrils, a display of her enthusiasm.

"No, how violent of you all! ......It is alright. Listen closely" Kikyou spoke up, unable to bear it any longer.

With Kikyou's voice calming them down, the three strain their ears. When they do this, the machine-like voice of a woman saying, "The bath water has been heated", reaches their ears.

"......A woman"

"......That's a woman"

"......Kikyou-sama......Do not tell me you are living with another woman other than us......"

"No, that is what you all focused on!? Ah, I see. There are no voice recordings over on that side so you would all have that thought huh"

They were also surprised when they turned the television on, but they could still see the faces of the people who were talking so while perplexing, they somewhat accepted it. However, there was only a voice this time. It seems like hearing its echo even when they did not see anyone made them think its owner was hiding somewhere.

So, in order to avoid further misunderstandings in the future, Kikyou decided to conscientiously explain to the girls that, in exchange for not having magic, science has made many breakthroughs in this world and that the voice this time is a recording.

When he did, perhaps grasping the general idea, Shea nodded before her eyes sparkled.

"Whoaaaa! The power of science's amazinggg!"

"Magic is amazing from my perspective you know. I guess this is what they call a cultural difference"

I sure was surprised the first time I saw magic, or so Kikyou recalled as he smiled.

However, realizing soon after that he had deviated quite far from his original motive, Kikyou flinches for a moment before continuing to speak.

"—Well, leaving that aside. ......The bath water is heated so we should take turns to get into the bathtub"

"Me, me! With master—" Shea said as she raised her hand.

"We had that conversation just now!" Kikyou retorted.

"......Darnnn" Shea said, seemingly disappointed.

After smiling wryly at Shea, Kikyou looks at each of the girls.

"I am sorry, but the bath here is not as large as the other side's, so enter one at a time, or, excluding me! Two at a time" Kikyou said, placing emphasis on "excluding me".

"Since it will take a lot of time if we enter one at a time, we should enter two by two" Lumia suggested as she smiled.

"......Lew......big sister. That is why......will......take care of......Lati" Lew spoke right after Lumia did.

"Heheh. I understand. Then, Shea. It looks like we are a pair"

"I’ll wash your backkk!" Shea says as she stands up and runs up to Lumia.

Things progressed fast after they decided to enter two by two. Kikyou first taught them how to use the bath. The fast learners, Lumia and Lew, nodded their heads as if they understood.

I don't know, or so the musclehead Shea complained while she hung her head, most likely because she got confused halfway through.

After Kikyou woke Latiana up, she wobbled around lethargically in the air while half awake.

Then, after consulting with everyone, they decided that the order would be Kikyou, Lew and Latiana, and Shea and Lumia. They then entered the bath in that order.

Kikyou, who had entered and finished bathing first, was worried that some problem might occur as it was their first day, but, to those outstanding girls—Shea excluded—it seems like something like this is trivial, as nothing of note happened and everyone managed to take a bath.

And so, they have now gotten out of the bath. Regarding what everyone is doing, well, they are sitting in a line for some reason. 

By the way, the pajamas they had on were the ones from another world, stored in the item box, an application of spatial magic.

While wearing such pajamas, the girls sit on their legs, back upright, their excited gazes directed in a certain direction. Beyond their gazes lies Kikyou, sitting on the sofa, and Latiana, sitting in between Kikyou's thighs—

"Is it hottt, Lati?"

"Uh-huh!" Latiana answered, smiling as she swung her legs.

Her hair swayed in the hot air from the heater and is then neatly combed by Kikyou's hand and a brush.

Indeed, what Kikyou is doing right now is drying everyone's hair after the bath.

If it is drying their hair, teaching them how to use the hair dryer will do.

Now then, as to why Kikyou is the one doing the drying for them; It is because Latiana, the first to reach the living room, asked him to. And, seeing that, Lew, Lumia, and Shea shouted, "Me too!", leading to him drying everyone's hair.

Honestly, there is no helping it for Latiana, and, in Lew’s case, barely, but the other two could do it, no?, or so Kikyou thought.

However, it has only been several hours since they came to Earth. It is probably natural for them to feel somewhat uneasy and such, and want to be close to someone, or so Kikyou convinced himself.

After drying Latiana's hair for several minutes, while being watched over by the other girls, Latiana's hair is finally completely dry and has become all glossy.

"Alright, it is doneee"

"Thanks, Maester!" Latiana said as she turned back into her fairy form and got on Kikyou's head.

"Aighttt. ......Then, next up—Lew huh"

Lew stands up and nods her head.

"Kikyou......do it......gently, okay," Lew said after walking up to Kikyou, her face expressionless as usual.

"That way of putting it is kinda perverted!" Shea shouted as she was unable to bear it.


"I-It's nothing"

However, with Lew being clueless as usual, Shea stopped talking, thinking that saying any more would only lead her to, once again, get scathed.

Speaking of Lew, after she tilts her head in response to Shea's words, she starts walking once again and, standing in front of Kikyou, who was sitting on the sofa, she sits herself down, slowly. —Just like Latiana, in between Kikyou's thighs.


The fragrance and warmth from Lew, who had gotten out of the bath, transmitted through the air, her supple body, touching him ever so slightly; All these made Kikyou blush unconsciously.

"......Will you not......do it?"

Not knowing that, Lew, back still facing Kikyou, tilts her head upwards.

"Hmm, I want to do it, but you know, with Lew's stature, sitting here will make it hard for me due to the height" Kikyou explained after forcefully calming himself.

Hearing Kikyou's words made Lew turn back immediately. When she did, Kikyou’s face was closer than she thought—

"......I see"

After Lew stared blankly at Kikyou's face, she slowly turned back to the front. And, with her face still red, she got up and sat down gently on the carpet at Kikyou's feet.

Seeing that, Kikyou nods before shifting his gaze to Lumia and Shea.

"......With that said, Shea and Lumia, please also sit at this spot later"

The two of them nodded despite having envious expressions on their faces.

Even though a lot has happened, they spent several hours having fun while relaxing, without anything of note happening.

The time is now 2200.

The girls, who were frolicking energetically after their hair dried, have, as expected, tired themselves out. Currently, on the lap of Kikyou, who is sitting on the sofa, is Lati, who has turned herself into the size of a three-year-old, and, on his right, is Lew, who has fallen asleep. Wondering where her liveliness went, Kikyou looks to find even Shea, the oldest here—excluding Kikyou, and considering Lew's age in human years—nodding off to his left.

"Everyone has fallen asleep I see"

Amidst this, Lumia, the only one among the girls who has not fallen asleep, gazes at them with a smile.

"......A lot sureee has happened today alone. Of course, they are tired" Kikyou said as he followed Lumia's gaze, turning his eyes towards the sleeping girls.

"Fufu......A lot sure has happened"

"Lumia is also tired huh" Kikyou said, smiling softly.

Lumia breaks into a kind smile resembling Kikyou's.

"Yes. Many things did happen after all" She then said.

—The ‘many things’ she mentioned while smiling.

Sensing that sorrow was hidden behind those words, Kikyou puts on a firm expression before giving Lumia a reassuring gaze.

"......I will, definitely, find a way to contact them," He said.

After hearing Kikyou's words, Lumia's narrowed eyes widened, and a soft expression appeared on her face once again.

"......Kikyou-sama. It is indeed sad that I parted so suddenly with my father and the others. However, above all else—"

Moving closer to Kikyou, she uses her hands to wrap around Kikyou's.

"—I can be beside Kikyou-sama. ......Nothing makes me happier. That is why I am alright"

"......I see"

After hearing Lumia's resolute voice, Kikyou gave her a small nod and said nothing else.

As Lumia was probably tired as well, Kikyou and Lumia decided that it was about time to sleep.

Working with Lumia, they carried Latiana, Lew, and Shea to their respective rooms and tucked them in their Futons.

And so, after tucking everyone in their Futons, the two of them now stand in front of their respective rooms.

"Good night, Lumia"

"Have a good night, Kikyou-sama"

They each said to the other before entering their respective rooms.

Upon entering his room, Kikyou hears the breathing of someone sleeping. It belongs to Latiana who frolicked and accidentally fell asleep, while she was still the size of a three-year-old.

As expected, with her the size of a three-year-old, there is no other spot in Kikyou's room for her to sleep so she is currently blissfully asleep on Kikyou's bed.

Kikyou could not help but chuckle at the sight of Latiana's seemingly ecstatic expression.

He immediately moves closer to the bed and lies beside Latiana.


The ticking of the clock and the breathing of a sleeping Latiana reverberates in the darkness. Amidst this, Kikyou looks towards the ceiling and ponders over the plan for tomorrow.

Anyway, I must get Saki's mother to empathize with the girls and have her lend us a helping hand somehow. And, it will be nice if this allows the girls to live happily.

1 - A traditional Japanese style of bedding consisting of a mattress and a duvet. You can find out more here.


It is sad, but as promised when I did the survey, this is the final chapter (8th Chapter) for this series that I will translate. I will leave the series on hiatus for now, but do not worry as I have plans for this series if no one picks it up by the time a certain time of the year rolls around again. This one is getting a bit long so I would just like to say that translating this has been a fun ride and I thank you very much for reading until this point. I wish you a good day ahead!


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